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Judicial Branch Article 3 of the Constitution

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1 Judicial Branch Article 3 of the Constitution
Unit 5 Vocabulary Judicial Branch Article 3 of the Constitution

2 Dual Court System The United States court system based on Federalism.
Federal Courts State Courts The United States court system based on Federalism. The two court systems are: Federal State

3 The 4 levels of the VA state court system
SACD VA Supreme Court Court of Appeals Circuit Court District Court The 4 levels of the VA state court system

4 SAD Supreme Court The organization of the federal courts Appeals Court
U.S. Supreme Court U.S. Court of Appeals U.S. District Court SAD The organization of the federal courts Supreme Court Appeals Court District Court

5 Judicial review The power of the Supreme Court to strike down a law as unconstitutional. Established in the case of Marbury v. Madison

6 Jurisdiction The authority of a court to hear a particular type of case The geographic area in which a court has authority to hear cases.

7 Original jurisdiction
A court’s authority to be the “first point of entry” into the court system for a particular kind of legal case.

8 Appellate jurisdiction
The authority of a court to hear an appeal of a case from a lower court.

9 appeal To ask a higher court to review a case already heard in a lower court.

10 Marbury v Madison Established the principal of judicial review

11 Supreme Court Hears appeals from state courts and lower federal courts

12 Court of Appeals Hears appeals and reviews
Decisions made in the U.S. District Court

13 District Courts Hears cases involving: People from different states
Disputes between states themselves The Constitution and Constitutional rights Violations of federal laws

14 Justices Judges that serve at the U.S. Supreme Court or the Virginia Supreme Court.

15 Due Process The constitutional requirement that the government must follow fair rules in a fair manner Due process is guaranteed by the 5th and 14th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

16 Fifth Amendment This amendment to the U.S. Constitution says the national government cannot deny any citizen due process of law.

17 Magistrate A lower level judge who Issues warrants Issues subpoenas
Issues summons (civic duty) can set bail!!!!

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