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Northern Africa & Southwest Asia

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1 Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
World Geography Northern Africa & Southwest Asia

2 Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Ten Geographic Characteristics Physical Geography Cultural Geography Regions & States Conflicts

3 Ten Geographic Characteristics
1. World’s great ancient culture hearth 2. Source region or hearth for several religions

4 Ten Geographic Characteristics
3. Islam Predominates 4. Arab World 5. Population is clustered around water

5 Ten Geographic Characteristics
6. Desert Environment predominates 7. Central Pivotal Area between 3 continents. Name them--- 8. Volatile area with conflicts - disputes & boundary frictions

6 Ten Geographic Characteristics
9. Center of superpower chess game. Who??? 10. Petroleum - a key economic resource

7 Relative Location of Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Centrally located between Europe, Asia & Africa Between the Atlantic/Indian and Mediterranean

8 Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Ten Geographic Characteristics Physical Geography Cultural Geography Historical Geography Regions & States

9 Physical Geography of Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Plate Tectonics Plateaus Deserts Mountains Rivers Lakes Climates

10 Physical Geography Plate Tectonics Clashing Plates Separating Plates
Arabian Plate into Eurasian Plate Separating Plates Arabian Plate pulling apart from African Plate Red Sea

11 Physical Geography Plateaus - Anatolian Highland Suez Canal
Peninsulas - Saudi Arabian,

12 Physical Geography of Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Deserts The Sahara Desert (World’s largest) The Saudi Arabian Desert The Libyan Desert Negev Desert (Israel)

13 Physical Geography of Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Mountains Atlas Mountains (N. Africa) Taurus & Pontic Mts (Turkey) Zagros Mts. (Iran) Hindu Kush (Afghanistan)

14 Physical Geography of Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Rivers & Sea The Nile River The Tigris & Euphrates Rivers (Ataturk Dam) Mediterranean Sea Gulfs - Persian Gulf, Gulf of Aden & Oman


16 Physical Geography of Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Lakes Dead Sea (Israel- salt) Sea of Galilee (Israel - freshwater)

17 Physical Geography of Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Climates Desert Climates with less than 10” of rain under high pressure latitude belt and NE trade winds Middle zones on Northern Africa coast & eastern coasts of Mediterranean

18 Climates of Northern Africa
& Southwest Asia

19 Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Ten Geographic Characteristics Physical Geography Cultural Geography Regions & States

20 Cultural Geography of Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Population Languages Religion Agriculture Economics/ Urban

21 Cultural Geography of Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Population 300 million concentrations along the Nile, Euphrates & Tigris & Coasts low overall population due to desert climate

22 Population Concentrations

23 Northern Africa Population Characteristics Birth rates 29/1000
Death rates 8/1000 Annual growth 2.2/1000 Infant Mortality 59/1000 Pop <15 39% Pop > %

24 Southwest Asia Population Characteristics Birth rates 28/1000
Death rates 7/1000 Annual growth 2.2/1000 Infant Mortality 54/1000 Pop < % Pop > %

25 Dying Under 40 years Percent dying under 40 years

26 Cultural Geography of Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Languages Unified by Arabic Language - An Afro-Asiatic Language Hebrew spoken in Israel Tribal languages spoken in remote areas of North Africa

27 Religions

28 Cultural Geography of Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Religion Islam - one of the world’s great religions Religious landscapes of mosques, minarets, distinctive non-revealing clothing Muslim - a follower of Islam (What is muezzin?)

29 Cultural Geography of Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Religion Islamic Divisions Sunni Islam Shiite Islam (Iran)

30 Cultural Geography of Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Agriculture (major occupation) Commercial farming in Israel (Technology) Mediterranean climate yielding citrus, avocados & ranching Nomadic Herding dominates the region Bedouins – Arab nomads Today – giving up traditional nomadic lifestyle to move to the city Desertification

31 Agriculture

32 Atlas Mts. - N. Africa

33 Israeli Kibutz

34 Cultural Geography of Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Economy oil dominated industry

35 Income levels

36 SW Asia Urban Landscape

37 Baghdad - Iraq

38 Nile River Valley - Urban Landscape

39 Ataturk Dam on Euphrates River

40 Northern Africa Southwest Asia
Ten Geographic Characteristics Physical Geography Cultural Geography Historical Geography Regions & States Conflicts

41 Historical Geography Pre European Prelude Colonial Transformation
First World Dependence on oil

42 Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Ten Geographic Characteristics Physical Geography Cultural Geography Historical Geography Regions & States Conflicts

43 Regions of Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Egypt & the Nile River Basin Maghreb Arabian Peninsula Middle East The North

44 Egypt & the Nile Basin Egypt & Sudan

45 The Maghreb Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, Western Sahara

46 The Arabian Peninsula

47 The Middle East

48 Countries within Regions
Arabian Peninsula Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Qatar, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain The Middle East Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Gaza,

49 The North The North

50 Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Ten Geographic Qualities Physical Geography Cultural Geography Historical Geography Regions & States Conflicts

51 Beirut, Lebanon

52 Israel and the Palestinian Issue








60 Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
Ten Geographic Characteristics Physical Geography Cultural Geography Historical Geography Regions & States Conflicts

61 Northern Africa & Southwest Asia
World Geography Northern Africa & Southwest Asia

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