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Stations January 30 th - February 3 rd. Project Overview We will continue our study of outer space to help us report the moon phases to New Tech High.

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Presentation on theme: "Stations January 30 th - February 3 rd. Project Overview We will continue our study of outer space to help us report the moon phases to New Tech High."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stations January 30 th - February 3 rd

2 Project Overview We will continue our study of outer space to help us report the moon phases to New Tech High School’s government class. The students are really enjoying this exploration.

3 Noise Level 1 1.Monday 1.You will need a reading partner and a science book. 2.First, with your partner, open to Chapter 8, Lesson 6 and read Planets. 3.Then complete the comprehension activity. 2.Tuesday 1.Today is a review day to prepare for the test tomorrow Complete the review activity and use your book for help. 2.If you finish early, use the questions to quiz your reading partner! Wednesday SCIENCE TEST! 1.Thursday Find the list of outer space book assignments according to your reading level. Partner read your leveled book. 4. Friday Continue to read your leveled book on outer space. Be prepared for an AR test! Science: Sun, Moon, and Seasons What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. Reread the story During SSR station With an adult You have more time during workshop. Great! Move on to Challenge Read. I think I’m a master. Materials Needed Science Books Comprehension Activities Pencils Home Skills and Standards 2.1.6- Read aloud fluently and accurately 2.2.5- Restate facts and detail Reading Project Connection The Moon and its Phases

4 Writing: Poetry Planets, Moon, Sun Monday Moon Phase Poems Tuesday Haiku Poems Wednesday and Thursday Edit your five favorite poems on outer space to publish in your Poetry Book. Friday Illustrate your poetry book. Skills and Standards 2.5.4- Write simple poems with rhymes 2.5.5- use descriptive words when writing 2.3.4- Identify use of rhythm and rhyme Materials Needed Poem Organizers Theme list Poetry book example Home Project Connection: Moon phases and planets

5 Self-Selected Reading / Accelerated Reader Noise Level 0 1.Choose a library book or a book of choice that you have not read. 2.Be sure you picked a book that you can read alone. 3.Silently read. 4.After you finish your book, write the name of the book in your Data Binder. 5.Be sure to fill in the information about your book in your binder. 6.If you can answer all the questions in your Data Binder, get your laptop and log on to AR to take your test. 7.Record your AR score in your Data Binder.. Skills and Standards 2.1.6- Read fluently 2.2.5- Restate facts and recall information SSR and AR points What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. Choose another Book. You will have more time in stations. Great! Take the AR test and choose a more challenging book for your next test! I think I’m a master. Materials Needed Data binder Book of choice Computer Home

6 Working with Words Noise Level 1 1.Monday 1.Complete the activity to practice your new spelling words. 2.Paper is in the binder 2.Tuesday 1.In your group, work with the leader to put your list in ABC order after you finish and turn in your practice on your new spelling words. 2.If you complete ABC order, look up the words in the dictionary to find their meanings and apply to your writing. 3.Wednesday 1.Fluency Practice- Use book provided 4.Thursday 1.Review for test on Friday- Spelling City 5.Friday 1.TEST! Skills and Standards 2.1.2- spelling patterns 2.6.9- spell words with long and short vowels and r controlled words correctly 2.2.11-ABC order What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during workshop. Great! You can work on the challenge list! I think I’m a master. Materials Needed: 1.Vocab list 2.Fluency Book Home Project Connection: Moon phases, fractions- challenge list

7 Math Journal Noise Level 1 1.Monday 1.Equivalent Fractions 2.Pages 200, 201, 202 2.Tuesday 1.Comparing Fractions 2.Page 205 3.Wednesday 1.Fraction Number Stories 2.Pages 206 and 207 4.Thursday 1.Fraction Test Skills and Standards 2.1.8- recognize fractions as parts of wholes or groups 2.1.9-recognize, name and compare fractions 2.1.10-Know that when a fraction has all its parts, it is equal to one whole What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during stations. Great! You may attempt the challenge activity for Unit 1. I think I’m a master. Materials Needed Math Journal Pencil Home Project Connection: Fractions and Moon phases

8 Problem Solving Noise Level 0 1.Monday 1.Identifying Fractions 2.Math Masters 244 2.Tuesday 1.Fraction Game 3.Wednesday 1.Writing Fraction Stories 2.Math Masters 419 3.Turn in for grading 4.Thursday 1.Finish Fraction Test Skills and Standards 2.1.8- recognize fractions as parts of wholes or groups 2.1.9-recognize, name and compare fractions 2.1.10-Know that when a fraction has all its parts, it is equal to one whole Materials Needed Pencil Reference pages Home Project Connection: Fractions and moon phases

9 Math Skill Application Noise Level 1 1. Monday 1.Equivalent Fraction Card Game 2.Tuesday 1.Equivalent Fraction Card Game 3.Wednesday 1.Fraction Top It 4.Thursday 1.Fraction Top It Materials Needed Fraction Card Deck Home Project Connection: Fractions and moon phases Skills and Standards 2.1.8- recognize fractions as parts of wholes or groups 2.1.9-recognize, name and compare fractions 2.1.10-Know that when a fraction has all its parts, it is equal to one whole

10 Everyday Math Online and DIBELS Noise Level 0 Monday and Wednesday 1.Working independently and following our expectations for using a computer properly, you may complete the math game activity that is on the computer at the station. 2.Use your Everyday Math Card to Log In. 3.Be sure you are in 2 nd grade games. Tuesday and Thursday 1. Complete the DIBELS practice activity.. Skills and Standards 2.2.1- Model addition 2.2.6- Mental arithmetic 2.3.4- Number patterns 2.1.9-recognize, name and compare fractions What will happen if… I don’t get it. I didn’t finish. Road Block Go to workshop You have more time during stations. Great! Click on the Grade 3 level! I think I’m a master. Materials Needed Computer EM Computer Card DIBELS practice Home Project Connection: Number Sense, Patterns, fractions

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