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VIT UNIVERSITY, VELLORE. W E ARE HAPPY TO INTRODUCE VIT U NIVERSITY TO YOU A cosmopolitan top ranking university Enriched with diverse culture with 28,000.

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2 W E ARE HAPPY TO INTRODUCE VIT U NIVERSITY TO YOU A cosmopolitan top ranking university Enriched with diverse culture with 28,000 students hailing from all over the world A world-class institute imparting Technical (accredited by IET & El-UK) & Management education at the Undergraduate, Postgraduate and Research levels. Holds record of constantly being among top 10 University of India. VIT Website:

3 VIT CONDUCTS AN ANNUAL T ECHNO - M ANAGEMENT C ARNIVAL 'G RAVITAS ' o With an advanced philosophical approach towards education, graVITas – The International Knowledge Carnival is conducted, which grows every year. o It is with immense pleasure that we announce its next edition - Gravitas 2015 to be held from September 25th - 27th, 2015. o We expect over 35,000 students from across the globe to participate, in addition to our 28,000 strong. Last year, Gravitas witnessed over 30,000 footfalls. o This year’s theme being " DESIGN-CREATE-PATENT " is expected to witness talks from eminent speakers, Nobel laureates and Entrepreneurs. graVITas’15 Facebook page: graVITas’15 Website:


5 G RAVITAS ’ 15 Gravitas has the honor of being one of the few university technical carnivals in India to be ISO 9001:2008 certified. Leading Companies such as Accenture, Wipro, Microsoft, IBM, Schneider Electric and many multinationals have sponsored Gravitas in the past and benefited considerably through various branding & promotion activities. Our premium events for this year includes Merchantry, International robotic events, Indian emerge youth summit, motor shows, VIT Model United Nations and many more.

6 I NVITATION FOR P ARTICIPATION To make Gravitas 2015 everything we want it to be and more, we need the support of esteemed organizations like yours. Hence, we request you to patronize VIT with your sponsorship. We also invite Media Partners to broadcast this grand event to their viewers. The entire VIT family extends this invitation to you and awaits your positive reply. Please find attached the brochure for Sponsorship Details. Contact : Mr. Sambit Kundu Team de graVITas’ 15 8220151147



9 E SPECIALLY WE WANT TO INTRODUCE MERCHANTRY o Merchantry is a techno-management Premium event to be organized in graVITas’ 15 from 25 th – 26 th September, 2015. o The event will comprise of lecture on Marketing and Retailing ; workshop on Entrepreneurship ; power-point presentation on developing marketing strategy; understanding about market trend, product selection, target audience, commercing ; developing innovative marketing strategy and implementation of the strategic blue-print in a created market place.

10 H IGHLIGHTS OF MERCHANTRY Producing an amalgamation of successful Entrepreneurs and dreaming Entrepreneurs with an aim to encourage being a job- giver. Bringing together successful start-up from Karnataka, TamilNadu, Andhra Pradesh and neighboring areas as in a exhibition. Participants are to compete to develop new marketing strategy. Creating market-place for selling customized products where participant competes to sell the products (more than 40 participants as seller competiting against each other to maximize sell ). Implementation of the developed blue-print in an artificially created market-place inside college campus.





15 C ONTACT U S Sambit Kundu Organizer Merchantry Team de graVITas’ 15 8220151147 THANK YOU

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