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Made by: Karolina Skiba Dorota Dulny Patrycja Gądzik.

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2 Made by: Karolina Skiba Dorota Dulny Patrycja Gądzik

3 Our Solar System lies on one of the outer arms of the Milky Way, thirty thousand light years from its galactic centre. Our sun is an average sized yellow star and is one of the millions throughout the Galaxy. It is the central point of the nine planets in our Solar System. Besides the planets, the Solar System holds countless smaller bodies such as asteroids comets and meteoroids. The Asteroid Belt orbits the sun in the space between Mars and Jupiter. Most asteroids are are pebble sized but a few are larger than cities. The Solar System is so large that light travelling at 300,000 kilometres per second takes half a day to cross from one side to the other.

4 The surface of this planet is rocky, covered in many places with sand and big craters made by meteorites. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the highest temperature ruling on it, excludes the presence of the atmosphere. Deserted Mercury is smothered in impact craters. Because it is so near to the sun it is a geologically dead planet. Mercury:  - Mean distance from the sun: 57,910,000 km  - length of year: 88 days  - the surface temperature: -183 ◦ C to 427 ◦ C  - the diameter: 4880 km  - atmosphere: Sodium, Helium, Oxygen

5 Survival is impossible on Venus. In addition to its crushing winds and poisonous atmosphere, it is the hottest planet in the solar system. Venus: - The second planet of the solar arrangement going from the sun - Diameter: 12,100 km - Atmosphere: Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen - Similar size to the Earth - Surface temperature 460 C, and in some places is reaching even to 500 C Length of year: 224.7 days

6 Earth is the third planet from the Sun, and the densest and fifth- largest of the eight planets in the Solar System. It is also the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets. Earth is the only planet in the Solar System capable of supporting life. It has land and oceans, deserts and ice caps.  Diameter: 12,756 km  Mean distance from the sun: 149,600,000 km  Length of year: 365.256 days  Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Oxygen

7 Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the Solar System. Named after the Roman god of war. Mars is colder than Earth, Mars’ surface is rocky red desert. Sometimes it is reffered to as the „Red Planet” because the rocks are coloured by rust. Even the sky on Mars is pink.  Diameter: 6,786 km  Length of year: 687 days  Atmosphere: Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Argon, Oxygen, Carbon Monoxide  Mean distance from the sun: 227,940,000 km

8 Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun and the largest planet in the Solar System. Jupiter is the giant of the Solar System. The Earth could fit into it 1,300 times. Its great red spot is a storm that has been raging for many years. The gases ate 1,000 kilometres thick. It is classified as a gas giant along with Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. ˃ Diameter: 142,984 km ˃ Mean distance from the sun: 778,330,000 km ˃ Length of year: 12 years ˃ Atmosphere: Hydrogen, Helium.

9 A planet composed of materials less dense than water. If there was an ocean large enough. Saturn would be able to float on it. It’s rings are made of rock and ice and are as broad as the distance between the Earth and moon. o Diameter: 120,660 km o Mean distance from the sun: 1,429,400,000 km o Length of year: 29 years o Atmosphere: Hydrogen, Helium

10 Circled by nine rings of rock and ice. Uranus spins in a vertical manner. It’s colour is dictated by it’s hydrogen – methane atmosphere.  Diameter: 51,120 km  Mean distance from the sun: 2,870,990,000 km  Length of year: 84 years  Atmosphere: Hydrogen, Methane, Helium

11 Similar in composition to Uranus, a bizarre ring system was recently discovered made of dust particles. Neptune also has a great dark spot, a continously raging storm. A year here lasts 165 Earth years. Diameter: 49,550 km Mean distance from the sun: 4,504,300,000 km Length of year: 165 years Atmosphere: Hydrogen, Helium, Methane

12 It’s about the size of the Earth’s moon and it’s composed of rock and ice. The Sun is merely an intense point of light in Pluto’s sky, therefore Pluto recelves little warmth. ► Diameter: 2,300 km ► Mean distance from the sun: 5,913,520,000 km ► Length of year: 248 years ► Atmosphere: Methane, Nitrogen


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