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“I can articulate the elements (parts) of each branch and what they do.” We are drawing sticks. Look over pg. 11 if you forgot. BE READY. Oct 29.

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Presentation on theme: "“I can articulate the elements (parts) of each branch and what they do.” We are drawing sticks. Look over pg. 11 if you forgot. BE READY. Oct 29."— Presentation transcript:

1 “I can articulate the elements (parts) of each branch and what they do.” We are drawing sticks. Look over pg. 11 if you forgot. BE READY. Oct 29.

2 Checks and Balances Where did these ideas come from? Take out your Checks & Balances Note sheet and index card from Yesterday.

3 Creating the Graphing Organizer:  ONI Three Ring Circus ONI  Using the long slips of paper with government checks decide which arrow it belongs on.  ON each Arrow write in two CHECKS that you will remember from the following slides.  EX. 1 2 President can VETO a bill President can propose legislations

4 Executive/ President ENFORCES THE LAWS V.P. & Cabinet Judicial/ Supreme Court INTERPRETS THE LAWS 9 Justices/Supreme Court Legislative/ Congress MAKE THE LAWS House of Reps/ Senate

5 What are checks and balances? The provisions in the US Constitution that prevent any branch of the US government from dominating the other two branches.  ( Write this definition at the top of your paper)

6 Executive Branch can check…  Legislative  Can VETO BILLS of congress  Can call a special session of Congress  Can influence public opinion  Can PROPOSE LEGISLATION  Judicial  APPOINTS federal JUDGES  Can PARDON people convicted of federal crimes

7 Legislative branch can check…  Executive  Can OVERRIDE A VETO  Senate confirms or rejects federal appointments  Can approve funding for Presidential programs  CAN IMPEACH the President  Senate approves or rejects treaties  Judicial  Congress establishes lower federal courts  Senate CONFIRM or REJECT appointments of JUDGES  Congress CAN IMPEACH or remove federal judges

8 Judicial branch can check…  Executive  Appointed for life, FREE FROM PRES. CONTROL  Can DECLARE Presidential ACTIONS UNCONSTITUTIONAL  Legislative  JUDICIAL REVIEW - Can decide meaning of laws  Can DECLARE ACTS of Congress UNCONSTITUTIONAL

9 “I CAN summarize checks and balances to my peers”  Summarize the checks and balances system with at least one example.  $1 summary each word $.05. it, and, the, by, is, a, for, are free. NO PRONOUNS= -1  $1 summary for your peers to evaluate.  Put it on an index card then pass it to the right.  Grade it for understanding. Up to 5pts.

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