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K STAFFORD MBMS 2013 Checks and Balances. Baron de Montesquieu Baron de Montesquieu French Nobility Believed in the ‘Separation of Powers’ which would.

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Presentation on theme: "K STAFFORD MBMS 2013 Checks and Balances. Baron de Montesquieu Baron de Montesquieu French Nobility Believed in the ‘Separation of Powers’ which would."— Presentation transcript:

1 K STAFFORD MBMS 2013 Checks and Balances

2 Baron de Montesquieu Baron de Montesquieu French Nobility Believed in the ‘Separation of Powers’ which would keep a government from getting to strong Separation of Powers- The structure of the federal government, according to the U.S. Constitution, that sets up three branches with their own distinct powers and responsibilities

3 Checks and Balances This system of government also leads to ‘Checks and Balances’ Checks and Balances-A principle of the federal government, according to the U.S. Constitution, that allows each branch of government to limit the power of the other branches

4 Legislative Branch Override Presidents Veto Impeachment House brings Charges Senate holds trial House approves Budget Senate Approves Treaties and Confirms appointment Confirms Presidential Appointments for Supreme Court

5 Legislative Branch Confirms Presidential Appointments for Supreme Court Impeach/Remove Federal Judges Establish Courts, set number of judges

6 Executive Branch Veto Bills Line Item Veto- Reject part of a Bill Call Special Session of Congress Can Propose Bills Appoints Federal Judges Grant Pardons and Reprieves

7 Judicial Branch Declare Executive Orders Unconstitutional Justices Appointed for Life Declare Laws Unconstitutional


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