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Welcome to Year 3 Teacher: Mrs Heather Boyle For this term: Mrs Louisa Forward (Mon-Tues) Mrs Emily Manners (Wed-Fri ) Support Assistants: Mrs Michelle.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 3 Teacher: Mrs Heather Boyle For this term: Mrs Louisa Forward (Mon-Tues) Mrs Emily Manners (Wed-Fri ) Support Assistants: Mrs Michelle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 3 Teacher: Mrs Heather Boyle For this term: Mrs Louisa Forward (Mon-Tues) Mrs Emily Manners (Wed-Fri ) Support Assistants: Mrs Michelle Russell & Mrs Charlotte Bates

2 The School Day 8.55am Registration 10.40am Break time 12.10 Lunch time 1.00pm Afternoon lessons 3.15pm Home time If you are late or absent please telephone the school office beforehand and follow up an absence with a written letter or email.

3 Equipment PE will be on Mondays and Thursdays. Children will need a white t shirt and black shorts with trainers /plimsolls. Swimming lessons will take place later in the year and you will receive full details nearer the time. For the class room, your child will need a pencil case with several writing pencils and a set of colouring pencils. A rubber and sharpener would also be useful.

4 Healthy Eating Children in Year 3 are no longer routinely given fruit and milk at breaktime and start lunch a little later. To avoid energy levels dropping, we recommend that a healthy snack, such as fruit or a cereal bar, is brought into school daily, to be consumed at breaktime.

5 Uniform At Trinity St Stephen First School:  We are always smart.  We know that we tuck our shirts in.  Our hair is tied up or clipped back using brown, black or school colours hair accessories.  Please label ALL clothing to avoid distress, wasted time and expense.

6 Writing When we are writing:  We always use a pencil  We always use a cursive script  We draw a dotted line below words when we are unsure of the spelling  Every sentence starts with a capital letter and finishes with a full stop  We write the date in full at the top of the page  The title is written underneath  We put a single line through work we have done wrong

7 Maths When we are doing maths:  We always use a pencil  We write the date in the short, numeric way  We write the title and/or learning objective underneath the date  We draw pictures and diagrams using a pencil  We use one square for each digit  We put a single line through work we have done wrong

8 Our Learning- Maths We will be learning to work with and understand the value of numbers up to 1000 and beyond. We will be consolidating our knowledge of the 2,5 and 10 times tables and learning the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We will be working on calculations using mental and written methods.

9 This term’s units include place value and money, addition and subtraction, Multiplication and division, shape and symmetry, time and data, and fractions.

10 Our learning - writing We are starting with a unit on instruction writing and will continue with other text types including poetry, letters and stories. We will be focussing on sentence construction and extending vocabulary choices. We will be working regularly on handwriting and presentation.

11 Our Learning - IT  We will look at using technology safely, respectfully and responsibly.  We will also look at using search technologies and collect, evaluate and present data.

12 Our learning - Science  This term we will start with Rocks and Soils looking at using these materials in our buildings and then at volcanoes and how rocks are formed.  Later in the term we will study Forces and Magnets.  There will be a range of practical activities to do in the classroom.

13 Our Learning - Reading We have started Guided Reading where the children will be heard reading in small groups. The focus will be on understanding the text as well as decoding. Individual reading books will be changed on a Monday, but books should be kept in book bag and brought in daily so opportunities to read are not missed! Please ensure that you sign and comment in the reading record; we need to know that books have been read before moving pupils on.

14 Our Learning – topics RE – Divali and Christmas. PSHE – New Beginnings/being a citizen. History- Who were the Romans? Geography – Locations around the world Music – the guitar IT – Using internet technology. P.E. Throwing/Catching games & Hockey

15 Homework The government advises an hours homework each week for children in Year 3. This hour should be made up of regular reading and spellings, which will be given at the start of each short term and tested on Thursdays. Pupils will also receive another homework activity, for example a maths game, tables to learn or a maths worksheet. Optional, additional ‘challenges’ will also be offered for enthusiasts!

16 Helping at home Reading regularly. Make sure that the books we provide are part of a bigger reading diet. Give your child small amounts of money to handle and spend. Play games with your children like snakes and ladders and other dice game. Visit the Look Out Discovery Centre and learn more about our science topics. Encourage independence – this is one of the greatest gift you can give your child!

17  There are spelling lists and activities to help learn spellings on this website

18 Visitors in School At Trinity St Stephen we welcome your support in school. If you would like to help us in the classroom please ensure: You have seen the safeguarding information and you understand that working with the children is both a privilege and a responsibility. You are dressed appropriately – this is a professional environment. You listen and follow the instructions given to you by the member of staff you are working with.

19 Communication with school There may be occasions when you need to talk to the class teacher. Please understand that this is not always possible before school, unless by prior arrangement. Messages may be left with Mrs Hickley on the playground before school. Teachers can be more flexible at the end of the school day. For the safety of all children in our school only come into school in exceptional circumstances. Please only use the front door.

20 The Class News Please check the class news on the school website. It is published on a Tuesday.

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