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ESOL Grades 3-5 Goal Pacing Albemarle County Public Schools WIDA 1 Quarter 1 (Lv. 1.3)Quarter 2 (Lv. 1.6)Quarter 3 (Lv. 1.9)Quarter 4 (Lv. 2.2) Listening.

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Presentation on theme: "ESOL Grades 3-5 Goal Pacing Albemarle County Public Schools WIDA 1 Quarter 1 (Lv. 1.3)Quarter 2 (Lv. 1.6)Quarter 3 (Lv. 1.9)Quarter 4 (Lv. 2.2) Listening."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESOL Grades 3-5 Goal Pacing Albemarle County Public Schools WIDA 1 Quarter 1 (Lv. 1.3)Quarter 2 (Lv. 1.6)Quarter 3 (Lv. 1.9)Quarter 4 (Lv. 2.2) Listening 1) Listen and point to pictures and words 2) Follow one step oral directions 3) Listen and do classroom routines 4) Listen to single words and think of the same word in the home language 1) Listen to simple descriptors to sort pictures 2) Follow two step oral directions 3) Listen to choices and nonverbally express an opinion 4) Listen to single words and think of related words in home language 1) Listen to descriptions and sort pictures 2) Follow 3 step oral directions 3) Listen to an oral passage and nonverbally express an opinion 4) Listen to words and phrases and think of phrasing in home language 1) Listen to an explanation and match it to a picture 2) Follow multiple step oral directions 3) Listen to more than one oral passage and nonverbally express an opinion 4) Listen to words and phrases and create a web of related words Speaking 1) Answer yes/no questions 2) Express basic needs and feelings with body language 3) Say the names of people, places, things and actions 1) Repeat words and phrases from pictures 2) Express basic needs and feelings with single words and phrases 3) Use basic common descriptors 1) Restate facts and phrases 2) Talk about yourself with other students 3) Describe people, events and objects with simple descriptors 1) Restate facts about school topics 2) Offer solutions to social conflicts 3) Describe people, events and objects with simple and specific descriptors Reading 1) Make sound/symbol/word connections 2) Recognize some letters and sounds 3) Recognize onset and rhyme and apply to phoneme deletion exercises 1) Match words with words and pictures 2) Read all letters, sounds and letter names 3) Use spelling patterns and word families to read new words 1) Read texts with illustrations and identify facts/ideas 2) Recognize some common sight words 3) Recognize root or base words and meanings 1) Identify elements of stories 2) Recognize and use cognates 3) Find changes to root words in sentences or stories Writing 1) Copy letters, words and short sentences 2) Draw pictures and label to share thinking/ideas 3) Answer questions with one word 1) Make lists using a word bank 2) Write simple sentences from drawings or information found in graphic organizers using sentence starters 3) Fill in one-word answers on graphic organizers, charts and tables 1) Generate lists from labels or with other students 2) Write simple sentences from drawings or information found in graphic organizers 3) Write related words that show comparisons of real things 1) Finish or write sentences using word walls 2) Write simple sentences 3) Complete a cloze sentence that compares two things

2 ESOL Grades 3-5 Goal Pacing Albemarle County Public Schools WIDA 2 Quarter 1 (Lv. 2.4)Quarter 2 (Lv. 2.6)Quarter 3 (Lv. 2.8)Quarter 4 (Lv. 3.0) Listening 1) Listen to descriptions or letter sounds and sort pictures or words 2) Follow 2-3 step directions 3) Listen to choices and express an opinion 4) Listen to words and think of the same and related words in the home language 1) Listen to an explanation and match it to a picture 2) Follow directions 3) Listen to choices with cause and effect to form an opinion 4) Listen to words and phrases and think of phrasing in home language 1) Match descriptions to illustrations 2) Listen to information and apply it to a new situation with guidance 3) Listen to descriptions and take a position 4) Listen to words and phrases and create a web of related words 1) Listen to an explanation and point out details on an illustration 2) Listen to information and apply it to a new situation 3) Listen to new information and revise thinking 4) Listen and use root words to connect to meanings in the home language Speaking 1) Restate facts about school topics 2) Answer questions related to social conflict 3) Describe people, events and objects with words and simple phrases 1) Retell 2-3 events in a story in order 2) Ask and answer questions related to social conflict or academic problem solving 3) Describe people, events and objects with some sensory descriptors 1) Retell stories/events 2) Offer solutions related to academic problem solving 3) Describe people, events and objects with sensory and specific descriptors 1) Listen to stories/explanations to make predictions 2) Revise thinking when offering solutions related to academic problem solving 3) Describe people, events and objects with sensory and specific descriptors and some academic vocabulary Reading 1) Read non-fiction texts with illustrations and identify facts with support 2) Recognize and use cognates 3) Read fiction texts and identify title and author 4) Follow visually supported written directions (eg. “Draw a star in the sky.”) 1) Read non-fiction texts with illustrations and identify facts without support 2) Recognize root or base words and meanings 3) Identify story elements (character, setting) 4) Follow two-to-three step written directions 1) Identify facts and explicitly stated main ideas from illustrated non- fiction text 2) Read words that combine root/base words with simple ending (eg. - ed, -ing, and plurals) 3) Identify problem and solution in fiction stories 4) Follow visually- supported, multi-step written directions in content area 1) Identify main ideas and some supporting details with support 2) Read words that combine base/root words with common prefixes and suffixes 3) Identify beginning, middle and end in fiction text 4) Follow multi-step written directions in content area Writing 1) Given an academic topic, generate lists of related/relevant terms 2) Write sentences that go together on personal or social topic using sentence frames 3) Sort information given into appropriate parts of a graphic organizer 4) Write a comparison of real life objects using sentence frame and/or a word bank 1) Given a sentence frame, write sentences with the support of a word bank 2) Write related sentences on a personal or social topic 3) Complete a graphic organizers when partially filled out 4) Write a comparison of real life objects or pictures 1) Write simple sentences with support of sentence frames OR a word bank 2) Use a graphic organizer to write a story developing a beginning, middle and end 3) Fill in graphic organizers, charts and tables as a response to reading or prewriting 4) Compare and contrast story elements 1) Write several simple sentences independently on academic topic 2) Write simple stories with a clear beginning, middle and end with support 3) Select and complete most appropriate graphic organizer for a given task 4) Compare and contrast content based topics

3 ESOL Grades 3-5 Goal Pacing Albemarle County Public Schools WIDA 3 Quarter 1 (Lv. 3.2)Quarter 2 (Lv. 3.4)Quarter 3 (Lv. 3.6)Quarter 4 (Lv. 3.8) Listening 1) Match descriptions to illustrations 2) Follow multi- step directions with guidance 3) Sequence pictures from oral stories 4) Identify main idea from simple oral explanations 1) Listen to an explanation and point out details on an illustration 2) Follow multi-step directions independently 3) Sequence sentence level events from oral stories 4) Listen to identify main idea and details from oral explanations 1) Listen to an explanation and distinguish between main idea and details with visual support 2) Follow 2-3 step oral directions and apply it to new situations with visual support 3) Sequence pictures from process and procedures 4) Identify main idea from content- based oral discourse 1) Listen to an explanation and distinguish between main idea and details 2) Follow multi-step oral directions and apply to new situations independently 3) Sequence information in text form from processes or procedures 4) Listen to identify main idea and details from content-based paragraph level oral discourse Speaking 1) Answer simple questions related to content with sentence stem support 2) Retell simple stories and events using picture support 3) Make predictions about stories with picture support 4) Present content based information using written text and visual support 1) Answer questions based on content with a clear ideas 2) Retell short stories or events using sentence structure support 3) Make predictions based on fiction and nonfiction text 4) Compare and Contrast information with some technical vocabulary 1) Answer content based questions using supporting details with sentence structure support 2) Summarize stories and events using word bank and/or sentence structure 3) Make predictions about nonfiction text using some grade level content vocabulary 4) Compare and Contrast information using content vocabulary 1) Answer content based questions with supporting details independently 2) Summarize stories and events using academic vocabulary and transitions 3) Make predictions about nonfiction text using grade level discourse with sentence stem support 4) Elaborate on peers’ comments using content vocabulary in class discussions Reading 1) Read to find information/data from charts/graphs with support 2) Read to select main idea when given answer choices 3) Sequence pictures from stories and content based processes 4) Use context clues, illustrations and/or knowledge of cognates to figure out the meaning of words or phrases 4) Use illustrations to determine word meanings 1) Read to identify information/data from charts/graphs 2) Read and identify main idea and some details with support 3) Sequence events from stories and content based processes with visual support 4) Recognize familiar grammatical patterns to determine meaning of words 1) Read and interpret data from chart/graphs 2) Read and identify main idea and details 3) Sequence events in fiction stories and content based processes 4) Use explicit context clues to determine meaning of words and phrases at paragraph level 1) Read and analyze data from charts/graphs 2) Distinguish between main idea and details in fiction and nonfiction text 3) Sequence events and elaborate on details related to stories and content based processes 4) Use implicit context clues to determine meaning of words and phrases at paragraph level Writing 1) Produce simple expository or narrative text with support 2) Write multiple related sentences 3) Compare and contrast content based information 1) Produce simple expository or narrative text using pre-writing strategies 2) Write multiple related sentences in sequential order 3) Describe events, people, processes and procedures 1) Produce simple and some expanded text in expository and narrative text 2) Write multiple related sentences in sequential order with use of transitions 3) Describe events, people, processes and procedures with clear main idea and details 1) Produce related sentences using a variety of sentence lengths in expository and narrative text 2) Summarize content based information 3) Summarize information from descriptions of events, people, processes and procedures.

4 ESOL Grades 3-5 Goal Pacing Albemarle County Public Schools WIDA 4 Quarter 1 (Lv. 4.2)Quarter 2 (Lv. 4.6)Quarter 3 (Lv. 4.8)Quarter 4 (Lv. 5.0) Listening 1) Listen to multi-step directions and apply to new situations 2) Listen to a simple explanation and distinguish between main idea and details with visual support 3) Produce pre-taught gesture associated with single vocab word 1) Interpret oral information and apply it to similar situations 2) Listen to increasingly complex explanations and identify main idea and details 3) Identify vocabulary words via gesture when listening to sentence-level discourse 1) Interpret oral information and apply it to new situations 2) Listen to paragraph level discourse and identify main idea and details 3) Identify vocabulary words via gesture when listening to paragraph- level discourse 1) Listen to and carry out oral instructions containing grade-level content using visual support 2) Listen to paragraph level discourse with extraneous information and identify main idea and detail 3) Identify vocabulary words via gesture when listening to extended discourse approaching grade-level Speaking 1) Compare and contrast ideas using comparative language using sentence frames/word bank support 2) Answer opinion questions using sentence frames 3) Revise thinking when offering solutions related to academic problem solving 4)Compare/contrast academic content using sentence frames 5) Make personal connections related to stories and concepts using grade level 1) Compare and contrast content -based functions using comparative language 2) Answer opinion questions with supporting details using sentence stems 3) Offer creative solutions to social issues 4) Compare/ contrast academic content without support 5) Discuss stories, issues,concepts using academic vocabulary/grade level discourse 1) Explain procedures in content with the support of a word bank 2) Justify/defend opinions or explanations 3) Offer creative solutions to posed academic problems 4) Compare/ contrast content based processes with support 5) Elaborate with academic vocabulary when discussing stories, issues and concepts 1) Explain in detail results of inquiries and experiments with sentence frame support 2) Justify/defend opinions or explanations with evidence 3) Explain solutions to academic problems posed in sequential order 4) Compare/ contrast content based processes using academic language 5) Defend /justify ideas when discussing academic related issues and concepts Reading 1) Distinguish between main idea and details in fiction and nonfiction text 2) Use different types of graphic organizers when reading 3) Identify different genres of literature 4) Differentiate between fact and opinion in simple text 1) Find details that support main idea when given answer choices 2) Match graphic organizers to different texts and functions (venn diagrams/flow charts, main idea detail webs) 3) Match features to various types of genre 4) Differentiate between fact and opinion in narratives and expository writing with support 1) Explain/justify reasoning when finding details that support main idea 2) Distinguish between types of graphic organizers to best suit purpose 3) Classify features of various genres of text 4) Differentiate between fact and opinion in narratives and expository text near grade level 1) Summarize text using main idea and supporting details 2) Use graphic organizers independently when reading grade level content 3) Identify the type of genre when given literary features 4) Draw conclusions using facts and opinions in explicit narrative/ expository text Writing 1) Use ideas from pre- writing organizers to write stories 2) Take notes using graphic organizers 3) Based on models, write in one or two distinct genres 4) Explain strategies in problem solving with support of sentence frames 1) Use information from graphic organizers to write a paragraph on topic 2) Use graphic organizers as a pre-writing strategy 3) Author two genres of writing independently 4) Explain strategies using a word bank when problem solving 1) Use graphic organizers to write a paragraph on content based information 2) Choose graphic organizers to use as pre- writing strategies that match writing purpose 3) Author multiple forms of writing from models on grade level content 4) Explain strategies or use information in problem solving related to academic content 1) Use information from graphic organizers to summarize information about content based information 2) Apply use of graphic organizers to a new context 3) Author multiple forms of writing independently on grade level content 4) Apply strategies to problem solve in new situations of grade level academic content Writing 1) Summarize content- based information 2) Connect personal experiences with literature/content 3) Create stories approaching grade level 1) Apply content-based information to new contexts 2) Compare/ contrast personal experiences with literature/content 3) Analyze content-based information to write a report 1) Analyze content-based information 2) Integrate personal experiences with literature/content 3) Synthesize teacher- provided facts to write reports 1) Synthesize content- based information across sources 2) Synthesize personal experiences with those of peers related to literature/content 3) Create grade-level reports from original research

5 ESOL Grades 3-5 Goal Pacing Albemarle County Public Schools WIDA 5 Quarter 1 (Lv. 5.2)Quarter 2 (Lv. 5.4)Quarter 3 (Lv. 5.6)Quarter 4 (Lv. 5.8) Listening 1) Carry out oral directions with grade- level, social language 2) Carry out oral directions using manipulatives one step at a time 3) Recognize definitions of literal and figurative language 4) Match orally-described people, places, and ideas with pictures representing them 1) Carry out oral directions with simplified content-based language 2) Carry out extended oral directions using manipulatives 3) Recognize isolated examples of literal and figurative language 4) Sort characteristics of people, places, or ideas based on oral description 1) Carry out oral directions with simplified content-based language presented out of sequence 2) Use manipulatives or construct a model to fill in a missing step of oral directions that present a problem 3) Select pictures or statements to demonstrate understanding of figurative language examples 4) Indicate whether a person, place, or idea is overall positive or overall negative (eg. Would you like to be friends with this person?) 1) Carry out oral instructions containing grade-level, content- based language 2) Construct models or use manipulatives to problem-solve based on oral discourse 3) Distinguish between literal and figurative language in oral discourse 4) Form opinions of people, places, or ideas from oral scenarios Speaking 1) Orally define academic vocabulary terms 2) In response to a question, choose and state an opinion from a provided list of options 3) List some steps followed to solve a problem 4) Explain steps observed in a process that someone else completes 1) Use academic vocabulary in class discussions 2) In response to a question, state an opinion and provide one reason why 3) Explain an omitted step in a teacher or peer’s sequence describing grade-level problem- solving 4) Explain steps the student took to complete a process him or herself 1) Explain a key content area concept to a peer using appropriate academic terminology 2) In response to a question, state an opinion and provide more than one reason why 3) Use transition/ sequence words to state steps followed at the beginning, middle, and end of the problem solving 4) Explain steps taken to complete a process and give the rationale for each 1) Give content-based oral reports 2) In response to a question, state an opinion and draw from a text to provide several reasons why 3) Sequence steps in grade-level problem- solving 4) Explain the results of an inquiry or scientific experiment in detail Reading 1) Summarize information from one source 2) Answer recall questions from grade- level text 3) Identify figures of speech 4) Draw conclusions from explicit list of statements/clues 1) Summarize information from two related sources 2) Answer inferential questions from simplified text 3) Explain figures of speech 4) Draw conclusions from explicit text at paragraph or passage level. 1) Compare and contrast information from two related sources 2) Answer inferential questions from grade- level text 3) Identify, explain, and give examples of figures of speech 4) Draw conclusions from implicit text at paragraph level 1) Summarize information from multiple related sources 2) Answer analytical questions about grade- level text 3) Use figures of speech to connect to texts 4) Draw conclusions from explicit and implicit text at or near a grade level passage Writing 1) Summarize content- based information 2) Connect personal experiences with literature/content 3) Create stories approaching grade level 1) Apply content-based information to new contexts 2) Compare/ contrast personal experiences with literature/content 3) Analyze content-based information to write a report 1) Analyze content-based information 2) Integrate personal experiences with literature/content 3) Synthesize teacher- provided facts to write reports 1) Synthesize content- based information across sources 2) Synthesize personal experiences with those of peers related to literature/content 3) Create grade-level reports from original research

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