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Transit Agency Status FY 2011-12 Current Financial Position Current Operations Service Statistics/Trends Funding Statistics/Trends Other Information/Assumptions.

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Presentation on theme: "Transit Agency Status FY 2011-12 Current Financial Position Current Operations Service Statistics/Trends Funding Statistics/Trends Other Information/Assumptions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transit Agency Status FY 2011-12 Current Financial Position Current Operations Service Statistics/Trends Funding Statistics/Trends Other Information/Assumptions Capital Status Review 1

2 Current Financial Position: Reserves SourceBalance PTAF$3,533 ASG$0 BSG$0 Section 1513$696,308 Local$172,246 Other$290,538 2

3 Current Financial Position: Level of Short-Term Debt/Loans—Identify each line of credit (excludes long-term bond financing) Name of Financial Institution Amount of Available Credit Interest Rate Current Credit in Use Indiana First Savings Bank - MATP $250,0005%$0 Indiana First Savings Bank – Operating $200,0008.75%$0 3

4 Current Financial Position: Accounts Payable – Past due 90 days and over Accounts Receivable – Past due 90 days and over VendorAmount Past DueEstimated Pay Date N/A Program/AgencyAmount Past Due Date Requisitioned Estimated Pay Date N/A 4

5 Current Operations: Staffing Level Contract Provisions Healthcare Pension Fuel Fares Other major factors producing cost increases above inflation Cost Savings Initiatives 5

6 Staffing Level/Org Chart At the current time we are considering no new positions, however looking forward One(1) new position may be considered. A Part time Marketing intern form the local university (IUP). Our Staff is currently at capacity in workload. The time needed to continually promote transit is always at the bottom of the list, and it shouldn’t be. With the elimination of the PWD / Shared ride scheduler we have the current office space available to house this position on a short term basis. 6

7 IndiGO Organizational Chart 7

8 Non Contract Provisions Term of current union contract ________ to __________ DriversCurrent2012-13 Starting wage CDL $12.90, Non CDL $9.50CDL $13.29, Non CDL $9.79 Top wage CDL $16.52 Non CDL $12.30CDL $17.02 Non CDL $12.67 Average wage CDL $14.69, Non CDL $10.99CDL $15.13, Non CDL $11.32 Contract wage increaseN/A Job ClassificationNumber- Full TimeNumber-Part Time Drivers1915 Mechanics40 Dispatchers00 Clerical 11 Includes 3 dedicated MATP Staff. 0 Cleaner/Fueler, & Maintenance 21 8

9 Important Contract Provisions Its Important to note IndiGO employees do not have a union, Employees Decertified in 2005 Use of part-time employees: IndiGO makes use of as many part time employees as possible, However the local job market has made it all but impossible to employ and retain less than full time employees. Number/percent of “split shift” drivers: We are not able to hire or retain Split Shift drivers on the fixed route side of our operation Overtime: IndiGO insists on minimum overtime when possible. Currently we are being forced into overtime situations due to a declining workforce. We ask for volunteers for overtime before assigning to any employee. 9

10 Healthcare We are actively seeking competitive rate proposals from the major providers, and we are working with SAFTI to be part of the pool if it becomes a reality. UnionNon-Union Basic Coverage CurrentN/A$391.72 FY 2012-13N/A$507.64 Employee Contributions CurrentN/A$0 FY 2012-13N/A$88.50 Co-Payment CurrentN/A FY 2012-13N/A 10

11 Pension UnionNon-Union Employee Contributions CurrentN/A7% FY 2012-13N/A7% Minimum Age to Qualify for Retirement CurrentN/ANo minimum FY 2012-13N/ANo minimum Minimum Number of Years to Qualify for Retirement CurrentN/ANo minimum FY 2012-13N/ANo minimum Minimum Number of Years to be Vested CurrentN/A100% vested immediately FY 2012-13N/A100% vested immediately 11

12 Pension: Currently IndiGO contributes 7% to a Money Purchase plan for all eligible employees. IndiGO also offers a 401k plan for employees to contribute on their own. There are currently no proposed changes. Our pension is fully funded to date. There is a provision in our plan that states the Authority has the right to reduce or stop it’s contributions 12

13 Fuel: CNG Current Cost per Mcf Contract rate - $7.90 Monthly average of 1285 MCF DGE $1.25 We use approximately 9200 DGE of CNG Terms of contract – June 30, 2012 DIESEL Bought off the spot Market by quote Currently 3.124 We use approximately 2000-2500 Gallons per Month 13

14 IndiGO Fare Policy Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to establish goals, objectives and guidelines to assist the IndiGO Board of Directors and staff in making decisions regarding adjustments to fares. When considering increasing or restructuring fares, IndiGO will conduct a comprehensive review of ways to reduce costs and increase ridership, and the corresponding effects on fare box recovery, to minimize the effects of any fare changes on IndiGO customers. 14

15 Fare Policy Goal The goal of this Fare Policy is to support IndiGO’s overall strategic mission “To positively affect the quality of life for all citizens of Indiana County by providing safe, affordable and comfortable transportation services with dignity. Everyone at IndiGO will strive to be sensitive to customers' need and stewards of public resources." To accomplish this mission IndiGO must develop and use its resources in a manner that ensures sustainable growth. 15

16 Fixed Route Fares: Average Fare - $1.17 Fare Type Date of Last Increase Current Amount Date of Planned Increase Amount After Planned Increase Base Fare 9/2010$1.257/2013$1.30 Transfers $.10.10 Zone Fares $1.45, $1.65, $1.85, $2.05 $1.50,$1.70 $1.90,$2.10 Easy Rider Ticket $12.50 Reduced Fare Ticket $7.50 Easy Rider Pass $35.00 Fixed Route Pass $55.00 16

17 IndiGO Public Fares Definition Cash Fare $1.25 General Public, Paid at the fare box recorded by the operator Reduced Fare $.75 Reserved for those passengers pre-qualified with a disability for a Reduced Fare. Passengers using this program must present ID card at each boarding and pay fare at the fare box. Operator records the ride in fare box. IUP IUP “I” card holders may ride any fixed route IndiGO bus by Flashing an IUP “I”Card. Operator records the ride in fare box. 17

18 Wyo-Tech Wyo-Tech Students may ride any fixed route IndiGO bus by Flashing their Student ID. Operator records the ride in fare box. IndiGO Easy Rider Pass purchased or renewed monthly at IndiGO’s office, allows for unlimited rides in a 1 zone area. Operator records the ride in fare box. Go Anywhere Pass/Fixed Route Pass Pass purchased or renewed monthly at IndiGO’s office allows for unlimited on the entire IndiGO fixed route system. Operator records the ride in fare box. 18

19 Zone Cash Fares IndiGO operates on a 5 zone system for the Blairsville area routes. Zones are divided by the Towns along the routes. Fares paid at boarding in the fare box and recorded by the operator. Zone fares range from $1.25- $2.05. Plumville/Indiana Fare $2.25 Special fare taking into consideration the length of the trip. Operates one day a week. Fare paid at the fare box.Operator records ride in the Fare box. Plumville/Punxsutawney $2.25 Special fare taking into consideration the length of the trip. Operates one day a week. Fare paid at the fare box.Operator records ride in the Fare box. 19

20 ADA Para-Transit Fare Trips must be scheduled no later than one business day beforehand. The origin and destination of your trip must be within three-quarters of a mile of one of IndiGO’s Fixed Routes. Fares will be no more than twice the fare charged on comparable Fixed Routes operating in the area of your trip. The days and hours for Complementary Paratransit trips will match the same days and hours that Fixed Route trips are made. Paratransit trips can be for any purpose. Half Fare and Free fare Children and Youth IndiGO offers free fares to Children 5 and under traveling with an adult. IndiGO offers Half Price fares to Youth 6-12 Traveling with an adult 20

21 Shared Ride Fare Policy General Information IndiGO’S Shared Ride service is open to all citizens in Indiana County. Shared Ride is advance reservation, curb to curb service for the general public, senior citizens 65 years and older, and Persons with Disabilities ages 18-64.Shared Ride services operate Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. until 4 p.m. and Saturdays from 6 a.m. until 4 p.m. for Kidney Dialysis only. INDIGO does not operate service on Sundays and holidays. General Public All residents of Indiana County can ride IndiGO’S Shared Ride service by calling INDIGO and reserving a trip. However, general public riders are required to pay the full fare and do not have access to special programs to offset the cost of the trip. For more information about how to ride IndiGO’S Share Ride service and the cost of your trip, please call our office at 724-465-2140 or 1-800-442-6928. IndiGO’S representatives will be happy to provide you with information about our Shared Ride Program and other INDIGO services. 21

22 Senior Citizens Senior Citizens 65 years and older can ride IndiGO’S Shared Ride services at a discounted rate. The Pennsylvania Lottery provides funding for 85 percent of the cost of senior citizens' shared ride fares. Additionally, Aging Services of Indiana County also pays for part of the fare for senior citizens that use IndiGO’S Shared Ride to go to the area's senior centers, Medical Appointments and shopping trips. Persons with Disabilities (PwD) Persons with Disabilities, ages 18-64, can also ride IndiGO’S PwD Shared Ride service by applying for eligibility and registering for our program. Persons with Disabilities that are eligible will ride at a reduced rate with the State paying for 85 percent of your fare. For more information about how to apply for IndiGO’S PwD Shared Ride program and how to ride, Contact IndiGO. 22

23 Shared Ride Fare Structure 23 IndiGO Shared Ride Fare Structure Effective: February 1, 2008 Total 85% Lottery15% co-pay Aging Services 65+ClientASI 65 + Client Co- Service Area Fare Per Passenger Reimbursement for 65+/PwD riders Co- pay if applicablepay if applicable Twolick Center$14.30$12.15$2.15$1.85$0.30 Blairsville Center$14.30$12.15$2.15$1.85$0.30 Mahoning Hills Center$15.70$13.30$2.40$2.10$0.30 Saltsburg Center$16.30$13.85$2.45$2.15$0.30 Indiana/ Intowns/Armagh/Aultman$17.20$14.60$2.60$2.30$0.30 Sectors$18.85$16.00$2.85$2.55$0.30 Pittsburgh Trips$50.00$42.50$7.50$0.00$7.50 NOTE: Aging Services, Inc. does not participate in the reimbursement of Pittsburgh Trips. Aging Services does not participate in the PwD Client copayment

24 Shared Ride Fares: Date of Last Fare Increase – 2/1/2008 Current Average fare - $15.97 one way trip Sponsorship arrangements – Aging Services clients pay $.30 for eligible trips and Aging Services pay the difference on a monthly basis. Planned Changes Date of planned increase - 7/1/2012 Estimated average fare $17.23 one way trip We don’t anticipate any change from our current agreement with ASI. We are currently negotiating the additional co-pay. If they don’t pick-up the increased client portion it will be passed to the client. 24

25 Other Major Factors Producing Cost Increases Beyond Inflation: FactorsCurrent Amount Projected Future Amount Explanation Shared Ride Subcontracts$309,993$319,084$.05 per mile increase Driver Retention$1,138,499$1,172,6543% wage increase Fuel Cost$91,695 Loss of CNG Tax Rebate$61,401$0Significant fuel cost increase Aging Bus Fleet$104,373Older bus age = increased parts purchase higher Maintenance costs 25

26 Cost Savings Initiatives: InitiativeCurrent Cost Planned Action and Implementation Date Projected Savings Energy SavingsOngoing – Turning lights out in unused office spaces, replacement of garage lights to energy efficient bulbs, upgraded HVAC system Compensation ChangesOngoing – Policy changes such as sellback rates, vacation/sick time accrual, eligibility period for healthcare benefits Vacant clerical position Shared Ride/PWD Scheduler 9/22/2011 – Decision was made to shift the duties of this position to others instead of replacing the employee when she resigned. 26

27 Fixed Route Funding FY 2010- 11 FY 2011- 12 FY 2012- 13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014- 15 Total Operating Expenses $2,169,455$2,563,153$2,640,048$2,719,249$2,800,826 Total Operating Revenue $590,397$594,677$601,914$625,326$644,086 Total Operating Deficit $1,579,058$1,968,476$2,038,134$2,093,923$2,156,741 Subsidies: Federal $795,153$952,899$1,000,835$1,034,396$1,074,468 State $743,809$968,561$987,932$1,007,691$1,027,845 Local $44,777$47,016$49,367$51,836$54,428 Total Funding $1,579,058$1,968,476$2,038,134$2,093,923$2,156,741 27

28 Fixed Route Service Statistics/Trends: Describe Any Proposed Changes Currently monitoring two routes not performing up to expectations. Changes are being planned for 1-1-2012 Fixed RouteFY 2010-11FY 2011-12FY 2012-13FY 2013-14FY 2014-15 Rev. Veh. Miles481,890491,462 Rev. Veh. Hours35,36436,407 Passenger Trips498,736540,624548,733556,964565,318 ACT 44 PERF. MEASURES Pass. Trips/Hour14.114.8515.0715.315.53 Op. Cost/Hour$61.35$78.51$80.87$83.29$85.79 Op. Rev./Hour$16.69$16.33$16.53$17.18$17.69 Op. Cost/Trip$4.35$5.29$5.37$5.44$5.52 28

29 Shared Ride Funding FY 2010-11 FY 2011-12 FY 2012-13 FY 2013-14 FY 2014-15 Operating Expense $618,901$625,700$644,471$663,805$683,719 Passenger Revenue $131,313$135,450$139,513$143,699$148,009 Lottery $467,571$484,000$498,520$513,475$528,880 Other $18,684$6,250$6,438$6,631$6,830 Balance -$1,3330000 29

30 Shared Ride Statistics/Trends 30 Shared-RideFY 2010-11FY 2011-12FY 2012-13FY 2013-14FY 2014-15 Total Veh. Miles181,906184,635187,404190,215193,068 Cost per Mile$3.40$3.38$3.44$3.49$3.54 Total Veh. Hours17,86317,79617,92018,18918,462 Cost per Hour$34.65$35.16$35.96$36.49$37.03 Total Pass. Trips37,82338,86539,44840,04040,640 Cost per Trip$16.36$16.10$16.34$16.58$16.82 Rev. per Trip$16.33$16.10$16.34$16.58$16.82 Trips per Hour2.122.182.20

31 Other Information/Assumptions: Fixed-Route – Based on historical data we expect ridership to grow. We are currently averaging a 3- 5 percent increase This is due to White Twp. population growth and the growth of local universities (IUP & Wyotech).All of the Shopping Plazas are being built with out walking access from IUP and the boro which will continue to drive our ridership. Recently contacted by a developer for additional service to a new 140 unit complex. Complex outside of Boro where no service exsists Shared Ride – We project ridership to stay constant but trips will become longer due to clients moving out of Indiana boro and White Twp. In addition we expect costs to increase based on the cost of fuel and the increase of wages. We would expect some further efficiencies once scheduling software is made available. 31

32 Capital Status Review Fixed-Route – In the near future we will be faced with the necessity of replacing our bus fleet. The current requirements of local match will make this almost impossible to accomplish. We must continue to operate CNG vehicles when ever possible to take advantage of the savings in fuel cost. We are taking advantage of rehabilitation projects whenever possible to continue to use our current equipment. Shared Ride – We expect to replace a high roof van and an accessible mini van yearly. Mileage will continue to increase as more seniors are moving further from the Boro and White Twp in search of less costly housing. 32

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