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Misc Islam Christianity Dark Ages The Crusades 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10.

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2 Misc Islam Christianity Dark Ages The Crusades 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10

3 Islam – 10 Points QUESTION: This prophet is the founder of Islam. ANSWER: Muhammad

4 Islam – 20 Points QUESTION: This is the term for the Islamic body of Believers. ANSWER: The Umma

5 Islam – 30 Points QUESTION: This European country was under Islamic control until the late 1400s. ANSWER: Spain

6 Islam – 40 Points QUESTION: This word describes a non-Muslim person living in an area controlled by Sharia law, and who has to pay a tax to practice any religion that is not Islam. ANSWER: Dhimmi

7 Islam – 50 Points QUESTION: What are the 5 pillars of Islam (10 points per correct answer). ANSWER: Statement of Faith, Alms Giving, 5 times daily prayer, Pilgrimage to Mecca, Fasting during Ramadan

8 Christianity – 10 Points QUESTION: What Pope Called for the First Crusade?. ANSWER: Urban II

9 Christianity – 20 Points QUESTION: This time of relative peace and prosperity in the Roman Empire served as the backdrop for the birth of Christianity. ANSWER: Pax Romana

10 Christianity – 30 Points QUESTION: This Roman Emperor converted to Christianity after a military victory. ANSWER: Constantine

11 Christianity – 40 Points QUESTION: This Roman citizen changed his name and ways after seeing a vision while travelling. ANSWER: Saul or Paul

12 Christianity – 50 Points QUESTION: This Catholic Priest helped reconcile the conflict between faith and reason by defending religion with logic. ANSWER: Thomas Aquina

13 Dark Ages – 10 Points QUESTION: This French king was the greatest of the Carolingian kings. ANSWER: Charlemagne (Charles the Great)

14 Dark Ages – 20 Points QUESTION: This French king defeated a Muslim invasion of Europe. ANSWER: Charles Martel (Charles the Hammer)

15 Dark Ages – 30 Points QUESTION: Name 3 factors that contributed to the rapid spread of the Black Death (10 points per correct answer) ANSWER: Dense Population, Starving population, poor sanitation

16 Dark Ages – 40 Points QUESTION: This document helped to limit the power of the British Monarchy ANSWER: Magna Carta

17 Dark Ages – 50 Points QUESTION: What were 5 Agricultural developments that helped increase the food supply during the early Middle Ages (10 points per correct answer) ANSWER: New Plow, New horse harness, crop rotation, new kinds of crops, fertilization techniques

18 The Crusades – 10 Points QUESTION: This was what the Europeans called the Muslim general who united the Muslim world and took the Holy land. ANSWER: Saladin

19 The Crusades – 20 Points QUESTION: The Crusaders of the First Crusade captured this city in the Northern Levant after a siege that lasted from 1097 - 1098. ANSWER: Antioch

20 The Crusades – 30 Points QUESTION: The conflict between these 2 groups from the Islamic faith made it easier for the Crusaders to capture the Holy Land. ANSWER: Sunni and Shia

21 The Crusades – 40 Points QUESTION: Which Crusade never even made it to the holy land. ANSWER: 4 th Crusade

22 The Crusades – 50 Points QUESTION: What were the overall results of the first 4 crusades. ANSWER: Muslims still in control of the Holy Land, distrust between Muslim and Christian worlds, interactions of 2 very different cultures, lots of dead people, war crimes

23 Misc – 10 Points QUESTION: This is a term for a division within a faith. ANSWER: Schism

24 Misc – 20 Points QUESTION: The name for the nomadic tribes centered in the Arabian Desert. ANSWER: Bedouin

25 Misc – 30 Points QUESTION: this was the name of the local king during the time of Jesus Christ’s Birth. ANSWER: Herod

26 Misc – 40 Points QUESTION: What is the name of the Islamic holy scripture. ANSWER: Koran

27 Misc – 50 Points QUESTION: What is the name of the Middle class that began to emerge in the late Middle Ages?. ANSWER: Bourgeoisie

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