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L ATIN A MERICA SOL.7. W HAT IS L ATIN A MERICA ??? Latin America consists of the nations that speak Spanish or Portuguese in Central and South America.

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Presentation on theme: "L ATIN A MERICA SOL.7. W HAT IS L ATIN A MERICA ??? Latin America consists of the nations that speak Spanish or Portuguese in Central and South America."— Presentation transcript:


2 W HAT IS L ATIN A MERICA ??? Latin America consists of the nations that speak Spanish or Portuguese in Central and South America.

3 W HERE WERE THE E UROPEAN COLONIES ? CountryColony of… Mexico Brazil Venezuela Haiti Columbia Argentina Cuba

4 C HARACTERISTICS OF THE C OLONIAL S YSTEM The colonial governments mirrored the home (parent) countries governments Ex. Spanish colonies had the same government as Spain did Catholicism had a strong influence on the development of colonies Conversion of the natives (indigenous pop.)

5 W HAT ABOUT THE MONEY ? Europeans mined the precious metals from Latin America for export.

6 G ROWTH OF C ITIES Major cities were established as outposts of colonial authority Havana Mexico City Lima São Paulo Buenos Aires

7 W HO CONTROLLED LATIN AMERICA ? Viceroys/colonial officers Viceroys were conquistadors who were given governmental authority by the crown

8 Peninsulares Creoles Mestizos & Mulattos Indians Social Structure:


10 H OW DO THE R EVOLUTIONS OF F RANCE AND A MERICA INFLUENCE THE PEOPLE IN L ATIN A MERICA ? Haiti-- slaves rebel, abolish slavery and win independence. Mexico– Father Hidalgo starts the Mexican independence movement. French, Portuguese and Spanish colonies gain independence.

11 S O WHO GAINS INDEPENDENCE FROM THE E UROPEAN NATIONS ? WhoFrom Mexico Haiti Colombia Venezuela Brazil

12 W HO LED THESE REBELLIONS ? Toussaint L’Ouverture Former slave who led the Haitian rebellion against France Defeated the armies of Spain, France and Britain Simon Bolivar Native who liberated the northern areas of Latin America “The Liberator”


14 Don’t forget to label bodies of water!

15 Y EARS OF I NDEPENDENCE Add these years to your map: Brazil – 1822 Paraguay – 1811 Uruguay – 1828 Argentina – 1816 Chile – 1818 Peru – 1824 Bolivia – 1825 Grand Columbia (Ecuador & Venezuela) - 1819

16 T HE M ONROE D OCTRINE James Monroe 5 th US President 1817 - 1825

17 M ONROE D OCTRINE After the American Revolution, the United States wished to prevent foreign interference in America. The Monroe Doctrine was issued in 1823, alerting European powers that the American continents should not be considered for any future colonization.

18 M ONROE D OCTRINE The Monroe Doctrine was issued by US President James Monroe in 1823: Latin American nations were acknowledged to be independent The United States would regard as a threat to its own peace and safety any attempt by European powers to impose their system on any independent state in the Western Hemisphere

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