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$200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 PotpourriThis and That General.

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Presentation on theme: "$200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 PotpourriThis and That General."— Presentation transcript:


2 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 PotpourriThis and That General Questions Literary Terms Miscell.

3 What character is given guardianship of Huck? Category 1: $100: A

4 Who is Widow Douglas Category 1: $100: Q

5 Huck calls his dad by what name? Category 1: $200: A

6 Who is Pap.

7 She is Widow Douglas’ sister?

8 Who is Miss Watson? Category 1: $200: Q

9 Name a superstition Huck has in Chapter 1? Category 1: $300: A

10 Killing Spiders (more answers are possible)

11 What is Mark Twain’s real name? Category 1: $300: Q

12 Samuel Clemmons.

13 What is REALISM? Category 1: $400: A

14 What is: An attempt by the author to portray life as it REALLY was; not a sugar-coated romanticized version of life.

15 The Widow Douglas tries to teach Huck about what character from “her book?” Category 1: $400: Q

16 Who was Moses.

17 What is the name of the slave Tom becomes friends with?

18 Who is Jim? Category 1: $500: A

19 What trick did Tom Sawyer play on Jim? Category 1: $500: Q

20 Tom hid Jim’s hat while he was sleeping.

21 What good luck piece does Jim have? Category 2: $100: A

22 What is a five cent piece hung around his neck.

23 What kind of gang did Tom and Huck form? Category 2: $100: Q

24 What was a band of robbers.

25 What information do we find out about Huck’s Pap? Category 2: $200: A

26 What is he was a drunk.

27 What novel did Tom read to discover about the A-rabs? Category 2: $200: Q

28 What was Don Quixote

29 What does Jim consult in order to tell Huck’s future? Category 2: $300: A

30 What was a hairball.

31 Why was Huck afraid of Pap? Category 2: $300: Q

32 What is because Pap “tanned” or beat him so much.

33 What does Pap dislike about Huck? Category 2: $400: A

34 Pap dislikes that he is educated.

35 Why does Pap visit Huck? Category 2: $400: Q

36 Pap thought Huck was rich.

37 Daily Double!!! Who is it that said, “Dog my cats ef I didn’ hear sumf’n.” Category 2: $500: A

38 Who is Jim.

39 What is the name of the judge in Chapter 1? Category 2: $500: Q

40 Who is Judge Thatcher.

41 What does Huck find floating in the river? Category 3: $100: A

42 What is a large raft.

43 How does Huck escape Pap? Category 3: $100: Q

44 What is he saws a hole in the cabin wall and makes it look like he was murdered.

45 How does he make the escape so realistic? Category 3: $200: A

46 What is he uses a butchered pig to make it look more realistic.

47 Where does Huck intend to go and hide? Category 3: $200: Q

48 Where is Jackson’s Island.

49 Who is Jim? Category 3: $300: A

50 He is a slave. Category 3: $300: Q

51 What song did Billie Holiday sing that is an excellent example of Realism? Category 3: $400: A

52 What is “Strange Fruit” Category 3: $400: Q

53 What year was Mark Twain born? Category 3: $500: A

54 What is 1835? Category 3: $500: Q

55 What is the setting of the book? Category 4: $100: A

56 What is the Mississippi River? Category 4: $100: Q

57 What literary element is the Huck vs. Pap? Category 4: $200: A

58 What is conflict? Category 4: $200: Q

59 This is an example of: “What’s de use er makin’up de camp fire to cook strawbries en sich truck?” Category 4: $300: A

60 What is dialect? Category 4: $300: Q

61 The narrator of Huckleberry Finn is? Category 4: $400: A

62 Who is Huck. Category 4: $400: Q

63 What was the name of Mark Twain’s wife? Category 4: $500: A

64 Who was Olivia Langdon. Category 4: $500: Q

65 What did Mark Twain enjoy doing to his friends? Category 5: $100: A

66 What is playing jokes. Category 5: $100: Q

67 A fan once sent a dollar to Twain and asked for a word…what was the word? Category 5: $200: A

68 What is THANKS. Category 5: $200: Q

69 Who would Huck rather be in the “bad place” with? Category 5: $300: A

70 Who is Tom Sawyer? Category 5: $300: Q

71 What did Miss Watson tell Huck to do everyday? Category 5: $400: A

72 What is pray. Category 5: $400: Q

73 Huck doesn’t like this and doesn’t take any stock in? Category 5: $500: A

74 What is mathematics. Category 5: $500: Q


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