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ITNW 1380 - Cooperative Education - Networking Instructor: Nguyen Chi Thanh Semester: Spring 2009 Campus and Room: Saigontech Tower, Room 701 Days and.

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Presentation on theme: "ITNW 1380 - Cooperative Education - Networking Instructor: Nguyen Chi Thanh Semester: Spring 2009 Campus and Room: Saigontech Tower, Room 701 Days and."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITNW 1380 - Cooperative Education - Networking Instructor: Nguyen Chi Thanh Semester: Spring 2009 Campus and Room: Saigontech Tower, Room 701 Days and Time: Saturday, 10:50 AM – 12:00 PM

2 Syllabus 1. Instructor’s Contact Information 2. Course Information 3. Schedules 4. Course Objectives 5. Learning Outcomes 6. Detailed Course Evaluation 7. Requirement 8. Submitted Document

3 1. Instructor’s Contact Information  Office location: Saigontech BLDG., Room 610  Office hours: Monday to Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM  Mobile phone: 0988-274-780 * Office phone: 3715-4054 Ext. 1658  Email: * Website :

4 2. Course Information Prerequisites:  Completion of 12 hours of course work within the major and department approval Credit:  3 credits units, 6 lectures/seminars and 20 hours per week career-related work experience)‏ Course Description  Career-related activities encountered in the student's area of specialization offered through an individualized agreement among the college, employer, and student. Under the supervision of the college and the employer, the student combines classroom learning with work experience. Includes a lecture component. Text Book: N/A

5 3. Shedules Semester Schedules

6 4. Course Objectives a) Allocates Times b) Allocates Material and Facility Resources c) Allocates Human Resources d) Serves Clients/Customers e) Self-Management f) Learning Outcomes

7 a) Allocates Times ‏ The cooperative education experience provides the opportunity to have a real world working experience with an employer, who will expect that the student allocate time appropriately to perform the assigned work.

8 b) Allocates Material and Facility Resources‏ Students in a cooperative work setting with an employer will be given assets and materials with which to accomplish their assigned tasks. This real life working experience will force the student to use these resources wisely, making the right use of the hosting company’s facilities and provided resources in order to accomplish the assigned work to the expected performance standard of that company.

9 c) Allocates Human Resources‏ In a cooperative work setting, the student will often be in a working connection with others, who are full time employees of the host company. The student will find opportunities to allocate their own time to various tasks. Because the time is limited in a cooperative relationship, the best use of that time and human resource is a key decision which the student must make and how to accomplish this is a key lesson which must be learned.

10 d) Serves Clients/Customers‏ In this course, the student will treat the hosting organization as his or her client, giving that client what is asked. As a working member of that organization in every real sense, the student will simultaneously be treating the customers of that company as his or her own customers. In these two ways the student will gain the most realistic appreciation for the client/customer service concerns of that organization, and feel they are a part of that relationship.

11 e) Self-Management In a cooperative work setting, the student needs to acquire a “self- starting” attitude towards work.

12 f) Learning Outcomes Gain valuable work skills before graduation. Reinforce the connection between concepts learned in the classroom and work. Provide increased value to your employer. Build an e-x-p-a-n-d-e-d resume (CV)! Participate in networking opportunities. Document your work experience on college transcripts. Be awarded college credit for hours you already spend at work.

13 g) Learning Outcomes (Cont.)‏ Increase communication between you and your work supervisor. Stimulate your individual motivation in your work setting. Broaden your skills with your employer.

14 5. Detailed Course Evaluation The grades for the semester will be determined as follows:

15 6. Requirement The student is provided an email address. The students are expected to keep a daily work journal in MS Excel. The “Journal Template” provided by the instructor will be used to complete each weeks’ journal. The semester will have a total of 16 journals. The weekly journals need to be submitted to the instructor with supervisor’s signature and grade marked. If the grade is not marked then the journal will be graded zero. Journals will NOT be accepted without the supervisor’s signature. A confirmation will be made when journals are received. Each week’s signed journal must be received by the instructor before 12:00 AM of the next Saturday. The student is expected to attend the Workshops/Seminars listed in the Calendar.

16 7. Submitted Document 1- Cooperative Education Student Application (fist time)‏ 2- Cooperative Work Experience Agreement (first time)‏ 3- Cooperative Education Training Plan (first time)‏ 4- Coop Information Form (first time)‏ 5- Seminar Report Form (1 week after the seminar)‏ 6- Weekly Journal (weekly)‏ 7- Student Performance Evaluation Form (week #7 & 14) 8- Job Site Evaluation Form (week #15)‏ 9- Working Plan (first time)

17 END OF DOCUMENT Thank you for your attention And good luck on your journey!

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