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Graded-Innovations from the past, in the present and for the future. Luiz Augusto Zicarelli de Oliveira ICT Network and Infrastructure Mgr. January 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Graded-Innovations from the past, in the present and for the future. Luiz Augusto Zicarelli de Oliveira ICT Network and Infrastructure Mgr. January 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Graded-Innovations from the past, in the present and for the future. Luiz Augusto Zicarelli de Oliveira ICT Network and Infrastructure Mgr. January 2013 | @luizicarelli

2 Mission Statement Graded is an American school that serves an international community of learners by inspiring individual excellence in a collaborative setting, fostering intercultural competence and empowering students to become engaged, ethical citizens in a dynamic world.

3 Graded’s IT History  Early ’70 to mid ‘90 : AV department was responsible for the equipment used by students and in the offices.  Early ’80: First computers were accquired.  Late ’90 : Technology Department formally created.  2003 : Libraries were merged into the Tech Dept.  2008 : Evolved to ICT Department.

4 A/V Dept.: First Generation of Resources  Slide and overhead projectors were widely used in classrooms.  Tape recorders (K7 and VHS)

5 A/V Dept.: First Generation of Resources  First computer lab (1982-83)

6 A/V Dept.: Need for innovation  First computer lab assembled in 1983 ( one of the first in Brazillian schools).  First secondary school of South America with Internet “class C” node, in 1992  1995 - Students and staff able to Dial-in and connect to school’s system.  2000 – Launch of Teacher and Staff Laptop Program, with over 100 teachers receiving their first laptop.  2001 – First attempt to wireless-network on campus

7 From A/V to IT then ICT  Late 90’ the first classes using iMac Labs and other proper resources.  New Media Center built in 1998, with US Library and A/V Dept. In the same building.  Number of computers increased 500% in 5 years.  Pressure for Mobility.

8 From A/V to IT then ICT Past-2000  Basic Language Computers  PC Desktops  2 Mac labs  2 PC labs  10/100mbps connection  Low Internet demand 2001-10  PC Desktops spread through school  3 iMac Labs  Laptop Carts  Laptop Checkout  Wireless network  Gigabit ethernet Connection  Increasing internet demand  IP Thelephony 2011-future  BYOD  Deactivated Labs  Smaller TCO  Smartphones and tablets  Collaboratories  cloud-based systems  Unified Communications

9 From A/V to IT then ICT  1999 : first wireless access points ( Cisco aironet 340)  2000/01 : Laptop Program 1st year  2001/02 : 1st. wireless laptop carts (Dell and Mac)  2002/03 : 1st. Gen. Wireless infrastructure deployed (Enterasys)  2003-2008: full structured cabling installation and Equipment upgrade.  2007: Enterprise-level Wireless (Aruba)  2008/09: Google apps adoption  2009/2010: Email Migration (Gmail)  2010: Platform Migration (Novell to Microsoft)  2012: Ipad Pilot Mobility Evolution

10 From A/V to IT then ICT Evolution of devices

11 From A/V to IT then ICT Available equipment on Campus from 2000 to 2012. For staff, faculty and students.

12 From AV to IT then ICT  IP PBX, using SIP Phones, with 300 internal extensions, but only150 Direct-dial (Siemens)  15 Fax/Backup Direct lines  90 Cell phone lines  50 3G modems  100Mbps Internet Conection (3 different providers bundled and ballanced)  14 Servers, with 4 of them holding 14 virtualized machines  10 TB of storage  31 border switch units (enterasys B3G/B5G)  124 Wireless Access Points  77 Digital Cameras  60 Video Cameras  162 docking stations  38 document cameras  90 eBeams  75 Networked Printers  129 Projectors  82 Networked Digital Clocks  21 scanners  905 Computers  25 iPads (pilot) Current Environment

13 From A/V to IT then ICT Network design 2001

14 From A/V to IT then ICT Network design 2012

15 From AV to IT then ICT  Antivirus – from Trend Micro to  DNS – recursive DNS from DynDNS, which also provides Internet content filter, the Internet Guide.  Monitoring – OpMon, from OpServices, provides customized infrastructure monitoring, based on Nagios.  Google Apps – Documents, Calendar, Email, Blogs, Sites, and many other online resources.  Web site – Developed and hosted by Finalsite  Student Information System – Veracross, hosted by Breuer Co. Systems as Services

16 From AV to IT then ICT  OpMon - https://Monitor.graded.br  Wireless Dashboard -  Internet Load Balancing -  Netsight -  System Center 2010 Hyper-V and Cluster manager Monitoring and Controlling

17  ERP system implemented in 2000, called Microsiga Protheus 6, using SQL database.  In 12 years, the system has evolved and spread to all areas, to version 11, to be implemented next Jan 25th.  New Version will have also a new infrastructure, with two new servers, fully redundant.  From AV to IT then ICT ERP

18 From AV to IT then ICT  First e-mail system was implemented in 1995.  From 2001 until 2009 Graded used the Novell’s Groupwise. It was locally stored on a simplex mode.  In 2005 Web-based Anti-spam service was added to the email system.  In 2009 accounts were migrated to Gmail (Google Apps).  Old service was permanetly deactivated in 2010.  Email

19 From AV to IT then ICT  Until 2004 control was made by hand or spreadsheets.  First digital system implemented in 2005. Installed and mantained on campus. (Track-it)  In 2008 service was migrated to SaaS system, online and off- campus. (Helpdesk)  bin/WebObjects/HostedHelpdesk.woa/wa?id=153 Helpdesk

20 From AV to IT then ICT  ERP  Until 2008 Databases were not consistent, and each area worked on a different database, on different formats, MDB, DBF, DBX.  2009 New Saas Student information system was implemented Veracross.  Databases

21 ICT Management  Strategic Planning  Measuring and controlling  ITIL/Cobit/PMI Frameworks  Continuous improvement

22 ICT Management  Processes Mapping  Reports  Control and mitigation of issues and problems  Knowledge base  Integration with contractors  Inventory

23 ICT Management  16 Local Service Providers, 10 including on-site support  7 International Service Providers  Inventory - More than 100 software available for teachers and students usage  Liability - More than 1300 users every day.  Security - More than 1000 wireless devices logged in every day. Current priorities / challenges

24 21st. Century School’s ICT  Mobility – 3 to 1 ratio – Consummerization  Anytime and Anywhere access  Social Networks - online communication  Virtualization  Cloud solutions  Digital Content In the horizon

25  THANK YOU!  Access our Cohort group forum at scenes-infrastructure and share your ideas! scenes-infrastructure

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