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LOGO Mini Agenda Comparison of two reading strategies instructions in promoting college student’s reading comprehension Fanny Chang.

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Presentation on theme: "LOGO Mini Agenda Comparison of two reading strategies instructions in promoting college student’s reading comprehension Fanny Chang."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOGO Mini Agenda Comparison of two reading strategies instructions in promoting college student’s reading comprehension Fanny Chang G99120009 Fanny 1

2 Contents Literature Review 2 Method 3 Introduction 1 Fanny 2

3 Introduction  Two reading strategies instructions Reciprocal teaching instruction Decoding-based reading strategies Fanny 3

4 Introduction  Reciprocal teaching can be used to teach students how to coordinate the use of four comprehension strategies: predicting, clarifying, generating questions, and summarizing. While working in small groups, the students use these strategies to engage in a discussion thereby jointly constructing and enhancing one another’s understanding of the text (Pilonieta & Medina, 2009). Reciprocal teaching instruction Fanny 4

5 Introduction  Decoding-based reading strategies focus on the surface aspect of reading, particularly in assisting children with low reading ability to read with greater fluency and accuracy. Techniques common to this approach include pre-teaching vocabulary, sounding out words, and using word structure cues to decode unfamiliar words. Decoding-based reading strategies Fanny 5

6 Introduction  Bottom-up strategies  Top-down strategies Clarifying concepts Fanny 6

7 Introduction Decoding-based reading strategies emphasize that as reader becomes more proficient in decoding and recognizing a greater number of words, meaning become attached to individual words, sentences, and larger discourse units. Reciprocal teaching tends to utilize top-down strategies. It focuses on creating meaning and comprehending the text rather than emphasizing perceptual aspects of word decoding. Two reading strategies instructions Bottom-up strategies Top-down strategies Fanny 7

8 Literature review  Though comprehension instruction is not often evident in classrooms, there is a wealth of research documenting its success in improving comprehension (Kincade & Beach, 1996).  Proficient readers use comprehension strategies with most reading tasks, whereas poor readers use fewer strategies in a less flexible manner (Cited in Pilonieta & Medina, 2009, p.120).  A number of studies have documented the advantages of providing corrective feedback, particularly for improving word recognition and reading comprehension of children with reading problems (Cited in Kouri, Selle,& Riley, 2006, p.238) Comprehension strategy instruction Fanny 8

9 Literature review  In a review of corrective feedback studies, McCoy and Pany (1986) examined the effects of decoding-based feedback on reading accuracy and reading comprehension of school-age children with low reading ability.  Shany and Biemiller (1995) compared a word supply strategy to a tape-assisted reading procedure with 29 children with low reading ability.  Studies have shown that decoding-based feedback during oral reading can improve some children’s reading comprehension. Children who received corrective feedback during oral reading have demonstrated improvement in word accuracy, reading fluency, and reading comprehension compared to no- feedback conditions (cited in Crowe, 2005, p.33). Decoding-based reading strategies Fanny 9

10 Literature review  Reciprocal teaching has been demonstrated as an effective teaching practice in a variety of settings, by countless researchers (cited in Pilonieta &Medina, 2009, p.121).  Palincsar and Brown (1984) developed a heuristic procedure designed to provide small groups of students with direct instruction in four strategies that have been shown to enhance comprehension of reading material: questioning, summarizing, clarifying, and predicting (cited in Kelly et al.).  Since Brown and Palincsar’s original experimental evaluation of the effects of this instructional procedure on student’s reading comprehension, a series of studies have examined the effectiveness of reciprocal teaching in both its original form and modified form (cited in Kelly, Moore, &Tuck, 2001, p.53). Reciprocal teaching instruction Fanny 10

11 Research questions  Which one is more effective in promoting the overall reading comprehension?  Is there a difference in the number of oral reading errors between these two reading strategy instructions?  Which group can recall more details of the text? Fanny 11

12 Method Participants, Material, &assessment 1 4 2 3 5 Weekly comprehension questions and story retelling College students- non-English majored freshmen Two classes of students A short novel which is used in freshmen’s reading class Lower scores in the Placement Exam Fanny 12

13 Expected duration  Five weeks.  Two times per week.  Two hours for each time.  The last week will be used to examine the outcome. Fanny 13

14 Method-procedure Participants are encouraged to sound out words and decode structures of words. Participants will also be asked to reread the misread words. Participants are also encouraged to understand most of the words in the text. Class 1: decoding- based reading strategies Fanny 14

15 Method-procedure The four strategies will be introduced. Participants will have group discussions, and there will be an “expert” to scaffold their reading process. During the discussion, participants are encouraged to use the four skills: predicting, clarifying, questioning, and summarizing. Class 2: modified reciprocal teaching instruction Fanny 15

16 Experimental design 1 Comprehension questions from the text. 2 Story retelling (All the participants will be video- or audio-taped). 3 A formal assessment will be used to investigate participants’ ability of oral reading. Fanny 16

17 Expected result  There wouldn’t be a significant difference between the two groups in the comprehension question test.  The two groups might make similar number of oral reading errors.  Group 2 (modified reciprocal teaching instruction) would recall more details from the text. Fanny 17

18 LOGO Fanny 18

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