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 Surrounded by water  Uluru-Large rock formation.

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2  Surrounded by water  Uluru-Large rock formation

3  Great Barrier Reef- Off of Australia’s northeast coast, world’s largest coral reef  Fact: The Great Barrier Reef is the world's largest reef system  Fact: Thirty species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises have been recorded in the Great Barrier Reef  Fact: Six species of sea turtles come to the reef to breed  Fact: 215 species of birds (including 22 species of seabirds and 32 species of shorebirds) visit the reef or nest or roost on the islands  Fact: Seventeen species of sea snake live on the Great Barrier Reef  Fact: More than 1,500 fish species live on the reef


5  Resources: World’s top producer of bauxite and lead

6  Aborigines settled Australia 40,000 years ago

7  Captain Cook landed in Australia in 1770 and claimed for British  Many Aborigines died of European diseases

8  Became independent in 1931

9  Member of British Commonwealth of Nations  British monarch is head of state  Parliamentary Democracy

10  Agriculture important  Top producers of wool

11  Diverse population  Sydney and Melbourne large cities  90% urban

12  North Island-Hills, volcanoes, geysers, and hot springs.

13  South Island- Southern Alps, thick forests, deep lakes, and glaciers

14  Resources: wool, timber, and gold

15  Maori settled 1,200 years ago

16  Captain Cook landed in New Zealand in 1769 and claimed for British  British and Maori fought over land

17  Became independent in 1931

18  British monarch is head of state  Parliamentary Democracy

19  Agriculture important  Leading producer of wool

20  Diverse population  Most live on North Island  90% urban

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