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Carbon Footprint Tyler Bielawski. What is a Carbon Footprint? A carbon footprint is how the activities you partake in each day affect the atmosphere and.

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Presentation on theme: "Carbon Footprint Tyler Bielawski. What is a Carbon Footprint? A carbon footprint is how the activities you partake in each day affect the atmosphere and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbon Footprint Tyler Bielawski

2 What is a Carbon Footprint? A carbon footprint is how the activities you partake in each day affect the atmosphere and the earths temperature. Examples: Transportation, Electricity, Heating

3 Is this a problem? Yes it is, a certain amount of carbon dioxide is healthy, but the problem is we are producing to much and it cannot absorb all of the suns rays, which heats the earth, and cause global warming.

4 Who causes a Carbon Footprint? It is not one individual in society, nor is it one country, it is the entire world, and the way everyone decides to live there live contributing to the Co2 release in the world.

5 How can we reduce our carbon footprint? There are many ways to reduce our carbon footprint including recycling, transport, holidays at home, bio fuels, and home grown food.

6 Recycling If we reuse our material for things such as packing, then factories will have to produce less reducing emissions.

7 Transport Planes and cars are a big part of carbon dioxide problems, if we reduce are use of them, that will also help.

8 Holidays at Home This ties into flying, if we travel less planes will be used less

9 Bio Fuels If we use plants such as sugar cane which produces ethanol, that can power cars and we can use that instead of fossil fuels.

10 Home Grown Foods If we grow our own food, we need to import less food into the country therefore exponentially decreasing the amount of emission through travel.

11 Conclusion Therefore if we use all of our resources available, and stop being spoiled, the earths carbon footprint can be drastically reduced due to willing cooperation.

12 Works Cited "Carbon Footprint - What Is A Carbon Footprint?." Carbon Footprint - Home of Carbon Management. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 May 2011.. "How can we reduce or Carbon Footprint? -1." A Design and Technology Site. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 May 2011.. "What is carbon dioxide? Is it good, bad or ugly?." Health Improvement Made Simple - Living a Healthy Lifestyle in Plain English. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 May 2011.. MLA formatting by

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