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Nonprofit Facilities Planning and Management

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1 Nonprofit Facilities Planning and Management
Presented by Kevin Galvin Connecticut Commercial Maintenance Kate Busch Strategic Management Consulting

2 Outcomes Start preparing a preventative maintenance plan
Learn how to involve your board in facility issues Plan to develop a long-range facilities plan. Identify some quick things you can do to make your facility run better and some long- term things that could save money and protect your organization and customers.

3 Agenda Facilities Help Maximize Your Organization’s Mission
Facility Management Basics Preventative Maintenance Budgeting and Planning Security and Safety Working with Contractors Ten Things

4 Facilities help maximize your organization’s mission
Your management of your facilities is as mission-focused as the rest of your organization. Customer-focused. How do you want your customers to feel when they visit your facility? How does the facility support and promote your mission and programs? How might it detract from your mission?

5 Facility Management Facility Management coordinates the physical workplace with the people and work of the organization

6 Strategic Facility Plan
Strategic Facility Plan is a two-to-five year plan that sets goals based on the organization's strategic objectives. These goals determine short-term plans and help to prioritize and budget annual facility projects

7 Facility management basics
What does a facility manager do? What is the difference between a janitor and a maintenance person? What is the CEO’s role? What is the Board’s role?

8 Assessing the facility
How do we use the facility now? How is it working for us? What are we worried about related to this facility? What percentage of our annual budget do we spend on the facility? If we could change something about the facility what would it be? If we were building a facility from scratch, what would be the elements we would include? What will the organization be doing five years from now?

9 Maintenance Fixing what is broken
Ensuring that repair is lasting, rather than a band-aid Must be a notification of the outcome of that repair

10 Preventative Maintenance
Preventative maintenance refers to regularly scheduled activities that prevent premature failure or maximize or extend the useful life of a facility and/or its components. It involves a program of inspection, servicing, testing and replacement of systems and components that is cost effective throughout the life of the facility.

11 Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) -- Accessibility
The Americans with Disabilities Act gives civil rights protections to individuals with disabilities similar to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, State and local government services, and telecommunications. .

12 Developing a preventative maintenance plan
Identification of Systems and Components Determining Present Conditions Preparing the Work Items Plan List of tasks to be performed The frequency and nature of the work The materials to be used Manner in which the work is to be accomplished

13 Developing a preventative maintenance plan (cont’d)
Determining Necessary Resources Determining Organizational Structure Scheduling and Assigning Work Reporting Systems and Feedback Productivity - the portion of a worker’s time that is directly productive. Performance - how well the individual is working, i.e., is work being completed as planned? Work Quality - are they producing a satisfactory work product? Priority - effective allocation of available time to the most important tasks? Is the management system working?

14 Sample systems and components inventory list
Foundation and Substructure Superstructure Exterior Wall Systems Roof Systems Interior Construction Specialties Conveying Systems Heating Systems Air Handling Systems Cooling Systems Mechanical Controls Plumbing Systems Fire Protection/Suppression Systems Power Generation and Transmission Power Distribution Systems Lighting Systems Signal Systems Landscaping Systems Playfields and Playground Systems Vehicular Systems Site Utilities Equipment

15 Budgeting and planning
Determine if it makes economic sense to do expensive repairs Determine how much to spend on building maintenance Determine if you will need to raise capital funds Funding depreciation and incorporating preventative maintenance in your budget

16 Capital campaign readiness
Written five-year plan? Case for Support compelling? Sufficient cultivated donors? Prospects who could give a lead gift of % of the goal? Well-developed annual fund campaign? Clear donor records? Staff? Volunteer leadership? Capital campaign addresses all or most major organizational issues? Confidence that campaign is necessary and will be a success?

17 Security and safety Safety and security of staff and customers
Fire safety Lighting Landscaping / Snow removal Mail / Computer records When an employee leaves Risk management and reduction

18 Risk Management What can go wrong?
What will we do to prevent the harm from occurring and what will we do in the aftermath of an occurrence? If something happens, how will we pay for it?

19 Interviewing Contractors
Determine the following: Licensed? References? Banking and/or financial reference? Professional/trade organizations? Insurance coverage? How long in business? Continuing education? What permits may be required? Request an itemized estimate including materials, labor, overhead, and a time frame?

20 Working with contractors
Identify what work needs to be done Develop specifications for the work Meet with at least three contractors. Give each contractor the same information regarding the project. Select the contractor on criteria in addition to price Monitor the work in process Evaluate the work just before and at completion

21 Simple things to do now Check smoke alarms Check fire extinguishers
Buy a tool box Check exit signs Make sure the breakers on your electrical panel are identified Put thermostats in lock boxes Check and repair all door closures Make sure appropriate doors lock Get a first aid kit and make sure your staff knows where it is and how to use it Test all emergency lights Make up a master key system -- tagged & secured. Make sure combustibles (cleaning or paint supplies) are in a secure and ventilated area

22 Long-term things to do Create a board-level group to address future expensive emergency and long range facility issues Create a long-term facilities plan Have a professional facilities analysis done Have a client walk through your facility with a questionnaire Create an evacuation plan with training and signage Create a repair notification/tracking system  Create an injury notification/tracking system

23 Long-term things to do Create a preventative maintenance plan
Create a maintenance technician job description which will help evaluate the need for part time/full time/contracted/ internal staff) Create janitorial job description  Create steps to secure facility in general & computer infrastructure as part of resignation/discharge/termination protocol. Review parking /customer entrances and exits Review ADA/accessibility issues/needs

24 Summary Facility Management can be mission and customer-driven.
The Board has an important role in policy and governance on facility issues. Preventative Maintenance can save your organization money and time and maximize your existing resources. Assign facility management roles appropriately and clearly Budget sufficiently to support your preventative maintenance plan. Anticipate problems and address needs before they become problems. Manage contractors the way you would valued, new, staff There are things you can do today to start to make better use of your facility.

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