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Culture and Organizations. Class Outline The importance of culture Societal cultures and organizations Internal culture of organizations Video.

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1 Culture and Organizations

2 Class Outline The importance of culture Societal cultures and organizations Internal culture of organizations Video

3 Definitions of Culture National culture is defined as the values, beliefs, and assumptions learned in early childhood that distinguish one group of people from another Organizational culture is similarly defined as the values, beliefs and assumptions that distinguish members of one organization from those of another

4 Why is Culture Important? Culture is the ‘software of the mind’ Societal culture is an important aspect of an organization’s environment external culture determines: –acceptable behaviors for an organization –acceptable behaviors of individuals internal culture determines –who will be hired and retained –how individuals behave within the organization –whether an organization achieves its goals

5 The ‘External’ Culture National/regional cultures can be characterized in terms of five dimensions –power-distance –uncertainty avoidance –individualism-collectivism –masculinity-femininity –time orientation Variations in these dimensions have a direct impact upon the success or failure of specific management practices

6 Power-Distance Meaning: –The extent to which power is distributed equally in society –the extent to which this is accepted as appropriate –the extent to which people are willing to interact across status levels Low in the US - High in Asia and parts of Europe influences: hierarchy, centralization, participation

7 Uncertainty Avoidance Meaning: –the extent to which people are threatened by uncertain and unstructured situations –high levels lead to greater reliance upon rules and procedures US is low; France and Latin Europe are high influences: levels of formalization and bureaucracy

8 Individualism-Collectivism Meaning: –The extent to which identity is derived from the self or the group –The extent to which the needs of the individual or group are prioritized US (and all Anglo countries) highly individualistic; East Asian countries are very collectivist Influences: emphasis on individual responsibility, and rewards

9 Masculinity-Femininity Meaning: –masculine orientation is doing/acquiring and values success –feminine orientation is thinking observing and values affiliation US, Japan, and Germany are masculine; Nordic countries are feminine Influences: merit based pay versus quality of work life and interpersonal relations

10 Time Orientation Meaning –long term orientation values patience, perseverance, and respect for ancestors –short-term orientation emphasizes immediate rewards, de-emphasizes history US,UK, short term; East Asian countries long term influence: time frame used for problem solving and organizational goals

11 External Culture - Summary Culture represents an important aspect of the organization’s task environment Culture determines values and beliefs Therefore it determines what management techniques are acceptable Work units managed in ways that are congruent with national culture perform better

12 Internal Culture The values and beliefs shared among employees of an organization As with national culture, this determines acceptable and unacceptable behavior Transmitted through war stories, myths, and rituals The dominant sources are the founder(s) and of course the external environment

13 Attraction-Selection-Attrition Process The organization’s values attract likeminded individuals Existing managers select those who are similar to themselves in their beliefs People who’s values do not fit with the dominant culture will ultimately feel discomfort and leave The result is a more culturally homogeneous workforce

14 Internal Cultures and Performance Organizational performance requires that the culture be consistent with the goals of an organization Internal consistency of strategy and culture: –low-cost strategy may be supported by willingness to follow rules in exchange for security –innovation strategy may be supported by culture emphasizing individual thought and freedom, risk taking

15 Summary Culture adds another dimension that managers must consider fit includes external consistency of management practices with societal culture and internal consistency of organizational strategy and culture fit results in performance and survival

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