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 Slide 1 - Introduction  Slide 2 - Olympic/Paralympics values and how SmallSteps4Life promotes it.  Slide 3 – Eating Healthy  Slide 4 – Feeling Good.

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Presentation on theme: " Slide 1 - Introduction  Slide 2 - Olympic/Paralympics values and how SmallSteps4Life promotes it.  Slide 3 – Eating Healthy  Slide 4 – Feeling Good."— Presentation transcript:

1  Slide 1 - Introduction  Slide 2 - Olympic/Paralympics values and how SmallSteps4Life promotes it.  Slide 3 – Eating Healthy  Slide 4 – Feeling Good  Slide 5 –Get Active


3 Equality-Equality means that you don’t treat others differently you treat everyone the same as you do to others. Equality also means that that people are different.

4 A balanced diet really can help our bodies become healthier if you get the balance right. Eating the right foods will give you the energy you need if you want to exercise. Breakfast is the best meal of the day. Challenge: Eat Breakfast, 10 Minutes, Difficulty: hard and No. of people: individual. Tips: Set your alarm 10 minutes early. It may feel painful at first but soon you'll enjoy how much better you feel for eating breakfast. What you need: Healthy food and your alarm. Click Here For Feeling Good

5 - Going shopping with friends- Makes girls happy -Football - Makes boys happy Challenges: Help someone else, 30 Minutes, Difficulty: Medium and No. of people: individual. What you need computer with internet or contacts. Click Here For Get Active

6  Having fun  Having more energy  Being able to sleep better  Feeling more relaxed and happier  Having a healthy heart  Playing out with friends  Going shopping Challenges: 5 a week, 15 Minutes, Difficulty: Easy, No. of people: Groups. Ask your friends to help you choose your activity. Train up in the weeks leading up to the main event. What you need: A stopwatch, someone to time you and someone to monitor whether you reach your target in your final week.

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