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Information Point By Ollie Pope Eat Well Getting Active Feeling Good Olympic Values.

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Presentation on theme: "Information Point By Ollie Pope Eat Well Getting Active Feeling Good Olympic Values."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information Point By Ollie Pope Eat Well Getting Active Feeling Good Olympic Values

2 Olympic Values Friendship: Feeling good – your friends will make you feel good by supporting you all the way. Eat well – eat healthy with a balanced diet Getting active – practicing for the up-coming event so you can achieve your sport Back to start Eat Well Getting Active Feeling Good

3 Eat Well If you want to eat well: Always eat the 5-a-day Make sure you have a balanced diet balanced diet Dont just eat junk food Getting Active Feeling Good Olympic Values Back to start Graph showing How much of the 5-a-day people have. The majority is 4-5 portions

4 Getting Active If you want to get active try: Going out with friends Going to the local sports centre SwimmingRunning/Jogging Eat Well Feeling Good Olympic Values Back to start This graph shows what activities do each day, the majority is out with friends

5 Feeling Good If you want to feel good, try: Exercise Go out with your friends Yoga Listen to music Play some sports e.g. (football with friends) Eat Well Getting Active Olympic Values Back to start Graph showing what people do to feel good, the majority is talking to a friend

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