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Olympic values.Introduction.Get active!Feel good info.Eat well info. Introduction. The Olympics and Paralympics have 7 values; Olympics: Friendship Excellence.

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Presentation on theme: "Olympic values.Introduction.Get active!Feel good info.Eat well info. Introduction. The Olympics and Paralympics have 7 values; Olympics: Friendship Excellence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Olympic values.Introduction.Get active!Feel good info.Eat well info. Introduction. The Olympics and Paralympics have 7 values; Olympics: Friendship Excellence Respect. Paralympics: Inspiration Determination Courage Equality. Small steps for life promotes these values to encourage people, especially the younger generation to include these factors in their life. It is a programme to educate and change UK’s families attitude to being healthy and aims to support them to live happier lives. They are given inspiration and motivation to get active and to make their lifestyle healthier.

2 Olympic values.Introduction.Get active!Feel good info.Eat well info. Olympic values. Small steps for life promotes Olympic values in different ways. Inspiration is one of the key values of the Olympics. Small steps for life inspire the young generation to believe that they can do anything they put their mind to despite racism and differences. Having any kind of disability doesn’t stop you from doing what you want to do. People are told how important determination is. Being determined is great to help you achieve your personal best. If you keep on trying your best, you will be able to follow your dreams. Friendship is found a lot in the Olympics, where differences are set aside and fellow competitors make friends. This is because they are all in the experience together and all want to follow their dreams. Achievements are celebrated and they support each other the whole way through.

3 Olympic values.Introduction.Get active!Feel good info.Eat well info. Eating well is one of the most important thing you need to do in your everyday life. Eating too much of one thing, especially unhealthy foods such as fast food or sweets. This can cause health problems which nobody wants! Try to swap these with healthier alternatives. So next time you open the cupboard for a chocolate bar or a coke, grab an apple or choose an orange juice instead. The more you choose healthier options, the more confident you will be with choosing healthier ways of snacking. Drink more water, this keeps you hydrated and helps make you feel more refreshed than having a really sugary drink- which makes doesn’t quench your thirst. 5-a-day. This is a guide of how much fruit or vegetables you should be eating. You can do this at any time in the day and it’s so easy to do. Feeling hungry? Grab a piece of fruit if you’re on the go. If not, why not make yourself a salad or ask your parents to cook up a healthy lunch or dinner. Eat portion must be about a hand full of fruit/ veg for each of your 5-a-day. Eating at the right times. Breakfast is a great start to the day as you give your body the energy and nutrients it needs to keep you going in the morning.

4 Olympic values.Introduction.Get active!Feel good info.Eat well info. Get active! Getting active can be great fun if you choose something suitable for you to do. Everyone’s different and not everyone has time to take a 1mile run every morning, but getting active isn't all about doing exercise as a chore. You can do anything you like, as long as you have fun! Try to get your brothers, sisters and other family members involved, this would be great to have a good game of football or a game of tag. You can even join clubs for free at your school, it should provide you a range of different sports. This will be free and easy to get to (as you belong to that school) Doing regular exercise has many benefits; sleeping better as you are using your energy, having a healthier heart, keeping flexible and have better stamina, and maintaining stronger bones and muscles. These will help you maintain a healthier lifestyle and body.

5 Olympic values.Introduction.Get active!Feel good info.Eat well info. Feel good info. Feeling good is another great way to keep your mental state in good condition. Just try some of these tips below! Get more sleep- sleep is important you need it to recharge for the next day. If you don’t get enough of it, you may become too tired and find life more stressful. You can also get quite ill if you deprive yourself of sleep, you may be more prone to a cold. This can affect your school life too, work might seem much harder than it really is and you will not be able to concentrate properly. Stay happy- if something is bugging you, tell someone and get help if you need it (school work etc…). Or if you just simply feel down, try to cheer yourself up. Why not go out with your mates, play your favourite song or do something you enjoy, this will take you mind off of it.

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