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By, Jill, Haskey, Sarah, T-bone.   By the late 1600s the dominant poplation was European and African American. The colonists that settled in the new.

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Presentation on theme: "By, Jill, Haskey, Sarah, T-bone.   By the late 1600s the dominant poplation was European and African American. The colonists that settled in the new."— Presentation transcript:

1 By, Jill, Haskey, Sarah, T-bone

2   By the late 1600s the dominant poplation was European and African American. The colonists that settled in the new world were mostly average laborers. Soon, the non-natives out numbered the Native Americans. Dominate population

3   Immigrants manly arrived as indentured servants*. *Indentured servant- men and woman bound themselves to a master for a fixed term of servitude. In return they get a passage to America, food and shelter. Usualy served for 4-5 years. The masters of indentured servants received additional land grants. Indentured servitude

4   Indentured servitude was not as great as it was advertized…  After their time and services were paid, most men were left without Land, without employment, without families, and without prospects. Women could often be married after their sentence was paid.  If women were to become pregnant during their sentence, they would be severely punished. ie: whipped, sold or time added onto their sentence. Reality of Indentured servitude

5  Indentured servants eventually became less common because less people wanted to inflict the hard labors upon themselves. As a result, the enslavement of African Americans became more frequent. Gradually, the population of Africal americans increased. Introduction of Slaves

6   As conditions improved, the population of Non- natives began to steadily increase. Also the life span of individuals grew. Birth and Death:

7   Seventeenth and eighteenth century physicians had little or no understanding of infection and sanitation. As a result, the bacteria caused many people to die of infection and plagues.  Midwives became very popular in the era. They were known for their homeopathic remedies and were frowned upon by doctors. Medicine in the Colonies:

8   The Social and Familial rolls of women were much different than those in New England  -Such there was such a high mortality rate, women had much more control because they were often widowed and left responcible of the families farms or businesses. --Chesapeake women could also expect a life of child bearing… on average women gave birth to about 8 children. - There was a higher ratio of men to women, so women were more likely to marry.( 4:1) Chesapeake Women

9   death rates declined quickly and the family became much more stable.  The sex ratio was balanced, and most men were expected to marry.  Women married young, gave girth early, and continues this until their 30’s  Northern children were more apt to survive, unlike Southern children. New England Women & Families

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