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SEO for Web Designers By Alfredo Palconit, Jr.. I. What is SEO? A process of improving a site’s traffic and rank from organic search engine results. Notes:

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Presentation on theme: "SEO for Web Designers By Alfredo Palconit, Jr.. I. What is SEO? A process of improving a site’s traffic and rank from organic search engine results. Notes:"— Presentation transcript:

1 SEO for Web Designers By Alfredo Palconit, Jr.

2 I. What is SEO? A process of improving a site’s traffic and rank from organic search engine results. Notes: Traffic - website visitors Organic Search Engine Results - list of sites on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP) located on the left side of your screen

3 How do SEs Rank websites? Link Popularity how many sites are linking to your site. Page Text Content if your content has quality content about the searched query.

4 How to Create an SEO Friendly site Content must be relevant to the rest of the page. Add Keywords on your Title, Meta Description and Keywords Use Header Tags (H1, H2, H3 etc) Use the Alt Attribute Use easy to remember and keyword rich URLs Add rel=”nofollow” Use robots.txt Use 301 redirect Use sitemaps Use XHTML / CSS

5 Why bother? People are using search engines everyday. Better we make our sites optimized and targeted to the people looking for what we offer. What good is a really great website if no one knows about it?

6 For more information, visit

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