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Strengths: SEO – Moderate Page Placement Inbound Links: 11 Onsite Lead Generation Mobile Optimization Onsite Blogging -API To Social Sites - Facebook,

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Presentation on theme: "Strengths: SEO – Moderate Page Placement Inbound Links: 11 Onsite Lead Generation Mobile Optimization Onsite Blogging -API To Social Sites - Facebook,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strengths: SEO – Moderate Page Placement Inbound Links: 11 Onsite Lead Generation Mobile Optimization Onsite Blogging -API To Social Sites - Facebook, Twitter Google Analytics Strengths: SEO – Moderate Page Placement Inbound Links: 11 Onsite Lead Generation Mobile Optimization Onsite Blogging -API To Social Sites - Facebook, Twitter Google Analytics Suggested Improvements: SEM Strategy SEO: Meta Keywords Missing SEO: Geo Meta Tags Missing Social Media -Likes / Followers: Low - Engaging Content Suggested Improvements: SEM Strategy SEO: Meta Keywords Missing SEO: Geo Meta Tags Missing Social Media -Likes / Followers: Low - Engaging Content NEXT STEPS: WEB PRESENCE REPORT Avis Plumbing Heating and Air Web Page Rank: 1.21of 10 Marketing Grade: 64 of 100 Marketing Report: SAMPLE

2 Strengths: SEO Website traffic 33.33% direct 30.95% links 2.38% search Inbound Links - 13 Social Media – Frequent Posts On Site Lead Gen. Capabilities Google Analytics Strengths: SEO Website traffic 33.33% direct 30.95% links 2.38% search Inbound Links - 13 Social Media – Frequent Posts On Site Lead Gen. Capabilities Google Analytics Suggested Improvements: SEM Strategy SEO – Index low Meta Keywords – None Alt Text 9 of 23 images missing XML Sitemaps Geo Meta Tags On Site Blog – No Content Mobile Website Social Media - Facebook: 23 Likes - Twitter 32 Followers Suggested Improvements: SEM Strategy SEO – Index low Meta Keywords – None Alt Text 9 of 23 images missing XML Sitemaps Geo Meta Tags On Site Blog – No Content Mobile Website Social Media - Facebook: 23 Likes - Twitter 32 Followers NEXT STEPS: WEB PRESENCE REPORT A. Business Name, Inc Web Page Rank: 1.5 of 10 Marketing Grade: 65 of 100 Marketing Report: Review Score: 2 of 5

3 Strengths: SEO Website traffic 33.33% direct 30.95% links 2.38% search Inbound Links - 13 Social Media – Frequent Posts On Site Lead Gen. Capabilities Google Analytics Strengths: SEO Website traffic 33.33% direct 30.95% links 2.38% search Inbound Links - 13 Social Media – Frequent Posts On Site Lead Gen. Capabilities Google Analytics Suggested Improvements: SEM Strategy SEO – Index low Meta Keywords – None Alt Text 9 of 23 images missing XML Sitemaps Geo Meta Tags On Site Blog – No Content Mobile Website Social Media - Facebook: 23 Likes - Twitter 32 Followers Suggested Improvements: SEM Strategy SEO – Index low Meta Keywords – None Alt Text 9 of 23 images missing XML Sitemaps Geo Meta Tags On Site Blog – No Content Mobile Website Social Media - Facebook: 23 Likes - Twitter 32 Followers NEXT STEPS: WEB PRESENCE REPORT A. Business Name, Inc Web Page Rank: 1.5 of 10 Marketing Grade: 65 of 100 Marketing Report: Review Score: 2 of 5

4 4 Gather data from m com Gather data from m com Create Map using Free Map Tools http://www.freemapto point.htm Gather data from m - Page Rank com -Marketing Grade Google Search “Reviews Company “ average Review Score

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