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Animal Cell and Organelles Why is each part of the cell needed for survival?

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Presentation on theme: "Animal Cell and Organelles Why is each part of the cell needed for survival?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal Cell and Organelles Why is each part of the cell needed for survival?

2 Discussion Questions What systems are familiar with? How would you define a system? Parts brought together to work Multiple parts that work together Many things that are brought together to become one

3 The Cell is like a Factory A factory is a system that is very similar to the system within our cells Who are the players? what do they do?

4 PBIS Warm Up Jodie’s packed lunch is sitting right next to her in the computer lab. It is ten minutes before lunch and she is really hungry. 1. When and where should Jodie enjoy eating her lunch? 2. Why are food and drink not allowed in the computer lab?

5 Nucleus “manager” of cell = CEO surrounded by nuclear envelope - composed of 2 membranes w/ pores pores allow substances to pass in/out of nucleus nucleus contains: –____DNA___ - instructions for cell –__nucleolus__- produces ribosomes - shipped out into cell

6 Cytoplasm Fluid inside cell clear, jelly-like substance which makes up most of cell’s volume Factory floor

7 Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) folded membrane of connected compartments functions as cell’s delivery system = assembly line

8 Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) provides large surface area for cell (more chemical reactions can take place) lipids are synthesized on surface of ER – Rough ER: studded w/ ribosomes – Smooth ER: no ribosomes

9 Ribosomes Assemble proteins (mostly enzymes) Made in _____nucleolus_____ Usually found on surface of ER ER transports amino acids to ribosomes, which then makes the protein the cell needs. ER delivers proteins to Golgi.

10 Golgi Body (Apparatus) Packaging & storage Stack of flattened membranes (again, to increase surface area) receives proteins & lipids from ER & distributes them where needed in cell. Substances are transferred in cell via vesicles.

11 Mitochondria double-membraned organelle in eukaryotic cells (animals & plants) produce energy storage molecules (ATP) double membrane-bound organelle - made of outer membrane & highly-folded inner membrane (incr. surface area) – inner membrane= where chemical reactions take place to produce ATP

12 Plasma Membrane separates inside of cell from the environment flexible and can change shape slightly regulates what molecules enter and exit the cell enter: Oxygen, water glucose exit: carbon dioxide, waste, excess water

13 8. Vesicles membrane-bound sacs pinch off end of ER, travel to golgi & fuse w/ it Golgi modifies proteins chemically & repackages them in new vesicles for their final destination in the cell – used in cell – stored for later use – expelled from cell

14 10. Lysosomes vesicles which contain digestive enzymes used to digest worn-out cell parts, food particles, invading bacteria membrane surrounding the lysosome prevents enzymes from destroying the cell.

15 13. Cytoskeleton creates scaffold to provide support for organelles helps maintain shape of cell

16 Plant Cell vs Animal Cell

17 9. Vacuoles vesicles used for temporary storage store food, enzymes, waste products are very large in plants

18 Cell Wall (Plant Cell) Present in plants, fungi, bacteria (not animal cells) more rigid than plasma membrane protects & supports cells plant cell walls made of cellulose (carbohydrate)

19 12. Chloroplasts Found in green plants Take energy from light & transform it into chemical energy, then stores that energy in form of sugars & starches contain green pigment called chlorophyll – enables plant to capture energy from light similar in structure to mitochondria – double membrane-bound organelle - made of outer membrane & highly-folded inner membrane inner membrane = where energy from light is captured.

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