Livorno: a knowledge province for senior at work – VS/2005/0313 Local strategies for active ageing based on continuous training and Lifelong Learning for.

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Presentation on theme: "Livorno: a knowledge province for senior at work – VS/2005/0313 Local strategies for active ageing based on continuous training and Lifelong Learning for."— Presentation transcript:

1 Livorno: a knowledge province for senior at work – VS/2005/0313 Local strategies for active ageing based on continuous training and Lifelong Learning for the over 50s Paolo Nanni Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo srl President Regions for economic change: Regional Policy responses to demographic challenges Brussels – 25/26 January 2007

2 Introduction  The new European Employment Strategy has placed increased value on local efforts.  The Provincia di Livorno operates at NUTS3 level as a local government intermediary between Regional authorities and Local Councils. It has its own responsibilities regarding Job, Employment and Training.  In a Province which has been hard hit by large industries with government partners and the need to redevelop the production sector, we have chosen to invest in human resources.  To support the actions for local development the Provincia di Livorno has set up its own company: Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo srl. 1

3 Local Employment Strategy  Is based on shared governance and involves all players in local development.  A Local Action Plan for Employment was drawn up with the In Advance Project VS/2002/0378 (Innovative Measures ex Art. 6 ESF).  Is the local tool for planning: integrated job policies, vocational training, education and the social sector.  Is modelled on the latest guidelines adopted by the European Employment Strategy.  The actions have involved the four most disadvantaged targets in the Labour Market: the young, women, workers with atypical contracts and senior workers. 2

4 VP/2003/21 call for proposal Innovative approaches to the management of change  The local, decision-making bodies have planned a series of actions to manage demographic changes resulting from the increased average age of the population and the need to extend working lifetime and full active citizenship.  Art. 6 of the ESF has provided the opportunity to put this project into effect with the VP/2003/21 call for proposal - “Innovative approaches to the management of change” 3

5 4 Objective To promote a knowledge-based labour market to counter the tendency of dropout from the production cycle and support a return to the workplace for the over 50s thereby favouring a process of active ageing. Period 15/11/2005 - 15/11/2007 Budget total Cost: € 527.242,50 Partnership 24 local partners (local bodies, social organisations, associations, gender organisations) 3 transnational partners (Belgium-Ireland-Denmark) Strategy 1) Analysis and study 2) Awareness Raising 3) Careers advice and training 4) Work placements and support for the setting up of new companies 5) support for active ageing 6) Transnational activities 7) Dissemination and mainstreaming “Senior at work”: the project

6 6 5 Actions for the Employed  To support an extended work life and increase the involvement of senior workers in social activities : - personalised and flexible vocational training courses, both formal and non- formal for senior workers, whether employed or retired. - experimentation with Diversity Management approaches in pilot companies. - establishment of a help desk for the employed to give careers advice and support the over 50s in the, often critical moments, of change.

7 7 6 Actions for the Unemployed  To fight unemployment and inactivity among the senior members of the population: - personalised, modular, formal and non-formal training courses for unemployed over 50-year-olds. - incentives for in-house training as a means of supporting a return to the world of work for over 50-year-olds. - project financing for the start up of multi-generational business.

8 7 Transnational actions/1  To set up and enhance close transnational cooperation/1: - development of policy learning and policy transfer. - establishment of an “essential open method of coordination” course. - detailed study of over 30 measures in the field of Active Employment Policy and Lifelong Learning, used in Ireland, Denmark and Sweden (members of the EARLALL association in Belgium). - evaluation of the transferability of specific measures to Italy.

9 8 Transnational actions/2 Transnational actions/ 2  To set up and enhance close transnational cooperation/2: - attainment of particularly important results: 1. information on the impact of various measures aimed at supporting senior workers. 1. information on the impact of various measures aimed at supporting senior workers. 2. extend knowledge on the processes of policy learning and policy transfer between regional and local government. 2. extend knowledge on the processes of policy learning and policy transfer between regional and local government. - to sustain efficient follow up at a number of levels: - to sustain efficient follow up at a number of levels: 1. to draw up proposals for local and regional policy to keep senior workers at work. 1. to draw up proposals for local and regional policy to keep senior workers at work. 2. to develop new inter-regional cooperation models through an Open Method of Coordination between the regional and local government of different countries. 2. to develop new inter-regional cooperation models through an Open Method of Coordination between the regional and local government of different countries.

10 9 Elements of sustainability and transferibility/1  All partners are involved in the management processes, thereby optimising the use of resources and making the most of the specific roles of local and transnational players.  The structure of the partnership means that practical testing can be developed, with a view to systematic horizontal transferability – at a local level and vertical transferability through the Regione Toscana – (mainstreaming).  A non formal course of updating the competences of operators, political managers and technical consultants has been implemented among the partners.

11 10 Elements of sustainability and transferibility/2  Particular care and attention has been given to the gender issue. The project may interest other local contexts that are particularly prone to unemployment in women over 50 years of age.  The project places constant focus on the suitable use of financial and human resources.  Dissemination aims to contribute to a cultural process to eliminate age related stereotyping.

12 Thank you for your kind attention Provincia di Livorno Sviluppo srl 11

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