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Towards a European VET area: Zooming in on 2010 Aviana Bulgarelli Director Cedefop.

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Presentation on theme: "Towards a European VET area: Zooming in on 2010 Aviana Bulgarelli Director Cedefop."— Presentation transcript:

1 Towards a European VET area: Zooming in on 2010 Aviana Bulgarelli Director Cedefop

2 26-27 April 2007AGORA Thessaloniki XXVI: Building a European VET area 2 Maastricht 2004 Lisbon 2000 Copenhagen 2002 Helsinki 2006  Copenhagen-Maastricht-Helsinki Progress in VET policy areas  Contextual challenges  Policy challenges  How Cedefop supports the process Outline

3 26-27 April 2007AGORA Thessaloniki XXVI: Building a European VET area 3 Copenhagen – Maastricht – Helsinki Copenhagen Declaration 2002 Strengthen the European dimension Improve transparency, information & guidance systems Recognise competences & qualifications Promote quality assurance Maastricht Communiqué 2004: national & EU-level priorities Put Copenhagen tools into practice (quality assurance, validation, guidance & counselling; Europass) Improve public/private investments, training incentives, use of EU funds Address the needs of groups at risk Develop flexible & individualised pathways, progression Strengthen VET planning, partnerships, identify skill needs Develop pedagogical approaches & learning environments Expand VET teachers’ & trainers’ competence development EQF, ECVET; identify TT learning needs; improve VET statistics Helsinki Communiqué 2006 Improve image, status, attractiveness of VET; good governance Develop further, test & implement common tools by 2010 (EQF, ECVET, CQAF/ENQA-VET, Europass) More systematic mutual learning; more & better VET statistics Take all stakeholders on board to put Copenhagen into place

4 26-27 April 2007AGORA Thessaloniki XXVI: Building a European VET area 4 Progress since Maastricht Where most countries report progress:  National qualifications frameworks (NQF)  Validation of non-formal and informal learning  Quality improvement and assurance – CQAF  Integrating learning with working  Access and equity  Guidance and counselling  stay focused

5 26-27 April 2007AGORA Thessaloniki XXVI: Building a European VET area 5 How attractive is the VET option?

6 26-27 April 2007AGORA Thessaloniki XXVI: Building a European VET area 6 ! 80 million Europeans formally low skilled Europe’s skill level scores: low skills: high high skills: low intermediate skills: strong (mostly through VET)  skilled & highly skilled jobs in demand within 10 years: - 9% jobs for low skilled workers + 31%for medium + 58% for high skilled  right skill mix for Europe requires secondary & tertiary level qualifications

7 26-27 April 2007AGORA Thessaloniki XXVI: Building a European VET area 7  The demographic time bomb  labour market more dependent on: older workers, women re-entering the labour market, migrants  2 million fewer learners in secondary & tertiary VET  strong potential for continuing skills development of adults  anticipate skill needs  validate non-formal learning  systemic changes: better quality in initial/continuing VET, skills development for adults - 9 million 15-24 year-olds + 14 million 55 -64 year olds  by 2030 …

8 26-27 April 2007AGORA Thessaloniki XXVI: Building a European VET area 8 Europe risks wasting its potential fewer young people  continuing training is crucial for skills development & renewal but:  the older people are, the less they participate in learning  educational & learning deficits add up  develop guidance & training for older workers

9 26-27 April 2007AGORA Thessaloniki XXVI: Building a European VET area 9 Persistent learning divide

10 26-27 April 2007AGORA Thessaloniki XXVI: Building a European VET area 10 Lifelong learning revisited: frequency↔ intensity?

11 26-27 April 2007AGORA Thessaloniki XXVI: Building a European VET area 11 Europe can‘t afford to waste its potential We need to  make VET attractive for young people & adults  ensure all have access to learning/training opportunities & more adults participate, whether (un)employed or inactive  prevent early school leaving  value older workers & their skills  tailor VET better to the needs of different target groups  know more about the skills we need

12 26-27 April 2007AGORA Thessaloniki XXVI: Building a European VET area 12 Zooming in on 2010 Knowledge development for all Particular policy challenges:  Financing  Governance  Lifelong guidance, quality, transparency, validation of non-formal learning

13 26-27 April 2007AGORA Thessaloniki XXVI: Building a European VET area 13 Financing  Sharing costs to foster efficiency & equity in CVET (state/regions, enterprises, individuals)  Different sources of funding to meet different objectives & needs, public policy for equal access  Emerging models in the Member States (training funds managed by social partners, apprenticeship, tax relief, ILA, vouchers..)

14 26-27 April 2007AGORA Thessaloniki XXVI: Building a European VET area 14 Governance Common challenges for VET, employment, social, finance & economic policies:  ageing population  changing labour market & skills needs  global competition & social inclusion need an integrated policy approach & agenda  co-operation of actors (ministries, state/regions & local authorities, social partners)  role of social partners support & steer VET policy; develop, design & manage CVET policies

15 26-27 April 2007AGORA Thessaloniki XXVI: Building a European VET area 15 Social partner support counts

16 26-27 April 2007AGORA Thessaloniki XXVI: Building a European VET area 16 Lifelong guidance & validation of non-formal learning Elements for effective lifelong learning policies  Valuing the role of continuing VET  Lifelong guidance  Validation of non formal learning  Linking sectoral qualifications & national qualification systems

17 26-27 April 2007AGORA Thessaloniki XXVI: Building a European VET area 17 How Cedefop supports the process  research, statistics, policy analysis (government & social partner policies,…)  looking at VET as an interface between education, employment, social & economic policies  EQF, ECVET, quality assurance (CQAF)  Europass, guidance & counselling  teachers & trainer development  study visits & peer learning activities  monitoring progress – next review in 2008

18 26-27 April 2007AGORA Thessaloniki XXVI: Building a European VET area 18 Looking forward to your contributions Thank you for your attention ! With many thanks to colleagues who helped organise this event!

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