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CEGSA Annual General Meeting 2014 Financial Report.

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1 CEGSA Annual General Meeting 2014 Financial Report

2 2013-2014 Summary  Income:$6,625  Expenses: $5,627  Closing: $998

3 2013-2014 Income  Opening Balance:$2,382  UTGSU Fall Grant: $2,306  UTSGU Winter Grant: $1,937  Total: $6,625

4 2013-2014 Expenses  Pool Pub Night  $663 in table rentals and food  Cultural Movie Night  $420 in food  Night at the ROM  $400 in tickets  +$200 in ticket sales  $200 net purchase  SPiN Ping Pong Night  $698 in table rentals and food Major Events

5 2013-2014 Expenses  Oscars Movie Night  $41 in snacks and drinks  Charity Event  $55 in pizza  Raptors Basketball Game  $596 in tickets  Photography Competition  $102 in photo printing and prizes  Trivia Night  $195 in pizza and prizes Major Events

6 2013-2014 Expenses  Blue Jays Game  $368 in tickets  +$280 in ticket sales  $88 net purchase  World Cup Semi Final  $127 in pizza and drinks  Welcome Orientation BBQ  $512 in BBQ supplies  50% reimbursement from department  $256 net purchase Major Events

7 2013-2014 Expenses  Pool Pub Night: $663  Cultural Movie Night: $420  Night at the ROM: $200  SPiN Ping Pong Night: $698  Oscars Movie Night$41  Charity Event:$55  R aptors Basketball Game: $596  Trivia Night: $195  Photography Competition:$102  Blue Jays Game: $88  World Cup Semi Final: $127  Welcome Orientation BBQ: $256  Total:$3,441 Major Events

8 2013-2014 Expenses  20 coffee breaks  Average cost of $69 per break  Subtotal: $1,386  4 CIV Talks  Average cost of $10 per talk  Subtotal: $40  Total: $1,426 Coffee Breaks & CIV Talks

9 2013-2014 Expenses  General Supplies:$216  Coffee Makers:$136  Magazine Subscriptions: $206  Seasonal Decorations:$48  Fans:$34  Coffee Mug Sales:+$70  Total: $569 Graduate Lounge

10 2013-2014 Expenses  Website Upgrade: $106  Annual General Meeting: $75  Bank Fees: $10  Total: $191 Miscellaneous

11 2013-2014 Expenses  Income:$6,625  Expenses:  Major Events: $3,441  Coffee Breaks & CIV Talks: $1,426  Graduate Lounge: $569  Miscellaneous: $191  Total:$5,627  Closing Balance:$998 Summary

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