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CHAPTER 5: Enhancing Language Development in Infants and Toddlers

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1 CHAPTER 5: Enhancing Language Development in Infants and Toddlers
Language Development in Early Childhood Education Fourth Edition Beverly W. Otto

2 Developmental Appropriateness of Curricula
Recognizes developmental levels of children Incorporates language development activities throughout curriculum Embeds conceptual development in hands-on activities with authentic materials Incorporates culturally appropriate practice

3 Guidelines for Interactions with Infants
Establish eye contact and shared reference Timing one-on-one interactions Observing, waiting, and listening Engage in verbal mapping Respond quickly to infants’ physical and emotional needs

4 Guidelines for Infant Classroom Settings
Provide materials for sensorimotor and social experiences Evaluate all materials for child safety Display pictures/posters at children’s level

5 Infant Curricula: Exploratory Activities
Sensorimotor activities Stimulate conceptual development Require monitoring to ensure safety Crib-based Room-based

6 Infant Curricula: Teacher-Mediated Activities
Songs and finger plays Selected objects and activities Book sharing

7 Infant Curricula: Routine Activities
Engage infants in conversation-like interactions Physical care: feeding, changing, dressing Arrival Departure

8 Guidelines for Interactions with Toddlers
Key interaction patterns Eye contact and shared reference Communication loops Child-directed speech Verbal mapping Mediation

9 Interacting with Toddlers Who Are English Language Learners
Establish eye contact and shared reference Provide ample wait time for response Use simple syntax and vocabulary Combine gestures and actions when speaking

10 Using Symbolic Gestures with Toddlers
Benefits Guidelines

11 Toddler Curricula: Exploratory Activities
Blocks and manipulatives Book corner Writing center Discovery centers Drama corner Sand/water table Art activities Outdoor activities

12 Toddler Curricula: Teacher-mediated Activities
Book sharing Songs and finger plays Activity boxes Outdoor activities

13 Toddler Curricula: Routine Activities
Arrival Snack time/Mealtime Departure

14 Family Connections Establish rapport with family members
Welcome parents into your classroom Encourage parents to talk with their infants and toddlers Encourage parents to become aware of their child’s use of gestures

15 Family Connections, continued
Provide take-home activities involving language and book sharing Provide books in a lending library that reflect children’s home languages Share ideas for enhancing language development in a classroom newsletter

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