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 View the commercial: UE  Journal: What makes this a good commercial? Why does it appeal to us? Do you believe.

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Presentation on theme: " View the commercial: UE  Journal: What makes this a good commercial? Why does it appeal to us? Do you believe."— Presentation transcript:

1  View the commercial: UE  Journal: What makes this a good commercial? Why does it appeal to us? Do you believe in what it is advertising? If so, why? What did they do to make you believe? If not, why not…?

2 An argument that a speaker/writer directs toward a certain belief/feeling/attitude that his/her audience holds Allows speaker/writer to tailor his/her argument in the best possible way according to his/her audience’s needs/desires

3 1) Appeal to ETHOS 2) Appeal to PATHOS 3) Appeal to LOGOS

4 Based on: trust/ authority/credibility Needed: good character, good sense, and good motives Use: known experience, expertise, credentials, polished presentation of material

5 Based on: Emotions Needed: Vivid language, sensory details, and words/images that make your reader feel a strong sense of happiness, sadness, anger, pride, etc. Use: Vivid, sensory details, emotional language and/or images

6 Based on: Logic Needed: Support and evidence Use: Facts, statistics, expert testimony of credible sources, definitions, witness statements, and details

7  Q1lA Q1lA  What is the appeal?

8  kd04 kd04  What is the appeal?

9  vc vc  What is the appeal?

10  JQ_bc9ag JQ_bc9ag  What is the appeal?

11  kaY kaY  What is the appeal?

12  Based on what you have seen, which persuasive appeal would you say is most effective? Why? Cite at least two specific examples to prove your point.

13  Create an informative and persuasive poster about your topic and how it causes teen angst.  Use the images you chose on Monday, as well as anything else you can draw/find.  Include the following information:  Name of Topic  3 most important facts about your topic  3 most significant issues about the topic  Q&A: Why should people care about this topic?  3 possible solutions  Use ethos, pathos, and logos to make your arguments strong!

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