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Grammar Test Study Guide Take Notes!. THIS IS AN OPEN NOTE TEST, SO COME PREPARED! Feel free to take notes from this PowerPoint, but DO NOT print this.

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar Test Study Guide Take Notes!. THIS IS AN OPEN NOTE TEST, SO COME PREPARED! Feel free to take notes from this PowerPoint, but DO NOT print this."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar Test Study Guide Take Notes!

2 THIS IS AN OPEN NOTE TEST, SO COME PREPARED! Feel free to take notes from this PowerPoint, but DO NOT print this.

3 Four Types of Sentences Simple Compound Complex Compound/Complex

4 Sentence Types You should have notes from a PowerPoint presentation from this lesson. If not, go on my class website and look in the ACT folder! *You will need to be able to identify the four different types of sentences.

5 Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers There is a PowerPoint and note sheet for this lesson. Make sure you know how to identify and fix misplaced and dangling modifiers!

6 Case and Agreement There are two handouts we discussed in class: case and agreement. You need to know the difference among the subjective, objective, and possessive cases. You need to understand subject/verb agreement.

7 Commonly Misused Words This is a handout you received at the beginning of the unit. What is the difference between already and all ready? Is a lot or alot a word? Make sure you have this handout completed!

8 IMPORTANT You must have your ACT grammar notes completed for the test. This is the most important packet because the majority of your test will be over commas and semicolons!

9 Comma or not to use a comma… *Know when or when not to use a comma in these situations: 1compound sentence 2list or series of nouns 3coordinate adjectives 4cumulative adjective 5commas after introductory material 6essential information 7nonessential information 8direct address 9common expression 10 contrasting expression

10 What to Expect On your test, you will be given a paragraph, and you will have to insert commas, semicolons, and colons in it. You will also have to write sentences using commas correctly, so make sure you understand each rule!

11 Compound Sentence Example Ms. Landon scares me, and others feel the same way too.

12 Items in a List Example Ms. Landon scares me, frightens me, and shocks me.

13 Coordinate Adjectives The frightening, menacing teacher scares me. *If you can insert the word AND between two adjectives, then you know you need a comma.

14 Cumulative Adjectives The crazy English teacher scares me. *You don’t need a comma between crazy and English because you can’t reverse the two adjectives or insert the word AND. It wouldn’t make sense!

15 Introductory Material Frantically, I ran away from my scary teacher. In Ms. Landon’s class, you never know what to expect.

16 Essential Information The teacher who is scaring me is my English teacher. *You DO NOT need commas when the information is essential to the meaning of the sentence.

17 Nonessential Information Ms. Landon, who can do 1,000 sit-ups, is my English teacher. *Put commas around nonessential information.

18 Direct Address Sally, please stop talking.

19 Common Expression You owe me a Crucible Essay, I believe.

20 Contrasting Expression We ran away from the scary English teacher, not the nice one.

21 Conjunctions You need to know the difference between coordinating conjunctions and subordinating conjunctions! Coordinating = FANBOYS

22 ! Make sure you can identify the following sentence structure errors:  Fragments  Comma Splices  Run-Ons

23 Semicolons and Colons Make sure you know when to use a semicolon and when to use a colon! *If you need extra help with this, please view the semicolon and colon handout in the ACT Grammar folder on my website.

24 Your Grade You need to do well on this assessment, so please make sure you have everything you need in order to be successful on the test. You will be turning in your ACT Grammar Note Packet with your test, and this is a class work grade.

25 ? If you are confused about a concept, then you need to ask me for help. Study the concepts that you struggle with the most during class and review the other concepts at home!

26 Test Friday If you feel confident about this test, you may work on Method Test Prep. If you do not feel prepared for this test, please review the class PowerPoints and your notes.

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