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Resources: Systematic Theology, Wayne Grudem & A Theology for the Church, ed. Daniel Akin CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE.

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1 Resources: Systematic Theology, Wayne Grudem & A Theology for the Church, ed. Daniel Akin CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE


3  Creation is a touchy issue with some Christians.  Did God create everything directly?  Did God use some evolutionary process to create everything?  Was creation a literal six- 24hr days? CREATION

4  The God of the Bible created all that exists.  Gen. 1:1- assumes the existence of God and that he created the world.  This truth proves that He is the one True God.  Jeremiah 10:12- “it is he who made the earth by his power, who established the world by his wisdom, and by his understanding stretched out the heavens.  This is the context of proving the idols Israel worshipped were worthless and false. GENESIS ACCOUNT: THAT GOD CREATED

5  God created the universe out of nothing.  ex nihilo- Latin; meaning “out of nothing.”  John 1:3- All things were made through him, and without him was not anything made that was made.  Everything we see came into existence from nothing previous.  All originated from God. CREATION

6  How Did God Create?  “and God said”  He spoke the world into existence.  Nelson (Akin, 244)- “In its simplicity this recurring statement reminds the reader of the immense power of the creator.” GENESIS ACCOUNT: HOW GOD CREATED

7  What did God create?  A world that He identifies as good.  It is ordered and purposeful.  Day One- Distinction between Day and Night.  Days Two and Three- boundaries for water, allows for dry ground to appear and vegetation to grow.  Day Four- How the lights of heaven are to function, governing time.  Day Five- Creation made in order of their kind.  In the beginning causes one to reflect on the concept of an end. Draws us to think eschatologically (end times) and to contemplate God’s goal for His creation.  Called “good” shows the creation is serving its intended purpose. GENESIS ACCOUNT: WHAT GOD CREATED

8  Why did God create?  We know he does not need us or anything he has created. So why create then?  It is to show his glory.  Isaiah 43:7: whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.  Psalm 19:1-2:The heavens are telling the glory of God; and the firmament proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours forth speech, and night to night declares knowledge.  To bless humanity.  Genesis 1:22,28- “And God blessed them…” GENESIS ACCOUNT: WHY DID GOD CREATE

9  What does creation say about God?  It shows his power, wisdom and creativity.  God, however, did not need to create the universe to bring himself glory.  He already had glory amongst the Trinity.  Creation was a free act of God  He created merely to delight in his creation.  Explains why we take delight in created things.  We appreciate creativity and beauty because we are made like God and he appreciates these things. CREATION: WHAT DOES IT SAY ABOUT GOD?

10  “ When all the facts are rightly understood, there will be “no final conflict” between Scripture and natural science.”  This will probably not happen until we are with Jesus.  However this allows the possibilities of disagreements on creation in some areas.  Did God create a “grown up” universe?  Is there a break in creation after Genesis 1:1?  Did the Flood altered the geological data?  Was it an actual 24/7 day period of time? CREATION VS. THEORETICAL SCIENCE

11  Some theories are in complete conflict with Scripture.  Theistic Evolution- living organisms came about by the process of evolution Darwin proposed but that God guided that process so that the result was just what he wanted it to be.  Goes against Scripture in that it goes against the purposefulness of creation and God. This creates randomness and no structure.  Randomness then has the power God has. It creates, changes, and develops creation.  Also to allow God to partake in any creating would establish intelligent design not randomness, fundamental to evolution. CREATION VS. THEORETICAL SCIENCE

12  Christians and Non-Christians alike have argued against evolution.  Some reasons why:  After 100 years of testing variations of species is very limited. Even with intentional breeding.  The complex changes to make something, like the eye, can not happen in stages. This is because the organ is useless until fully realized.  No real fossil evidence has been found to link a change of similar species from each other. No “intermediate type”  Biology has shown the complexity of even simple organisms. The likelihood of random organisms is small to nil.  Highest difficult is explaining how life could happen in the first place. CREATION VS. THEORY OF EVOLUTION

13  Dignity of Human Life  “Leads to a deep appreciation for the value of all human life since all humans are created in the image of God (Gen. 1:26- 27; 9:6).”  Thus, murder must be rejected. Which includes abortion and euthanasia.  Rejects hatred of one’s fellow man.  Major factor in racism. “The biblical teaching of common descent and unity of the race indicates that the term “racism” is itself a misnomer. There is one race of men and whatever “ethnicism” develops due to sin and corruption is abolished in the reconciling work of Christ.” (Akin, 264)  Respect of Other Life and the Environment  Humanity has been given stewardship over creation and God cares for His creation. IMPORTANCE OF THIS DOCTRINE TODAY FOR THE CHURCH

14  Why a proper understanding of creation is needed.  Allows us to see that material creation is good because God made it good.  Helps to appreciate God’s power and wisdom creating the universe.  Creation reminds us that God is sovereign (he controls it all fully)  Creation also allows us to enjoy creativity of our God, each other, and our own creativity. CREATION

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