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Possessive Adjectives, Definite vs. Indefinite Article Review, & Ser vs. Estar with Adjectives Review lunes, el 16 de febrero.

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Presentation on theme: "Possessive Adjectives, Definite vs. Indefinite Article Review, & Ser vs. Estar with Adjectives Review lunes, el 16 de febrero."— Presentation transcript:

1 Possessive Adjectives, Definite vs. Indefinite Article Review, & Ser vs. Estar with Adjectives Review lunes, el 16 de febrero

2 Que vamos a hacer hoy? 1.Learn about colors 2.Learn about possessive adjectives (finally! yay!!) 3.Review articles: definite vs. indefinite 4.Review the difference in meaning when we use ser or estar with adjectives. 5.Talk about the homework for this week

3 Colors are adjectives! Remember, adjectives… – go after the noun – Agree in number – Agree in gender

4 ¿Qué color es… el gato? rojo/roja azul verde amarillo/ amarilla anaranjado/anaranjada negro/negra morado/morada gris marrón rosa

5 ¿Qué color es… rojo/roja azul verde amarillo/ amarilla anaranjado/anaranjada negro/negra morado/morada gris marrón rosa

6 ¿Qué color es… el gato de naranja? rojo/roja azul verde amarillo/ amarilla anaranjado/anaranjada negro/negra morado/morada gris marrón rosa

7 ¿Qué color es… la hoja? rojo/roja azul verde amarillo/ amarilla anaranjado/anaranjada negro/negra morado/morada gris marrón rosa

8 Open your books to page 57 Find a partner Complete Activity 2-5 with a partner

9 Possessive Adjectives mi mis (my) nuestro / nuestra nuestros / nuestras (our) tu tus (your) vuestro / vuestra vuestros / vuestras (y’all’s) su sus (his / her / its) su sus (their, y’all’s)

10 These are used to indicate who possesses certain items. When we use possessive adjectives, we do not use definite or indefinite articles. – my cat  mi el gato – your book  tu el libro Possessive adjectives must agree in number! – my cats  mis gatos – your books  tus libros Only the nosotros and vosotros forms must agree in gender with the thing possessed – our cat  nuestro el gato – our class  nuestra la clase

11 IMPORTANT!!! ACCENT MARKS Remember what happened when we *forgot* the accent marks on the following sentence? – Mi papá tiene 50 años. It’s super important that we pay attention to the accent mark on the word “tú” and “tu” – tú bailas. – tu bailas.  doesn’t work. Why? “tu” is a possessive adjective.

12 1.Quickly do the first 10 questions on your own. When you’re finished, check your answers with your neighbor! 2.Now, do “About my [Fill in the Blank]” with your neighbor.

13 Find a new partner!!! Complete Activity 2-20 on page 68 with your new partner This activity is very similar to some of your online homework assignments to come! (in the sense that you describe someone with ser, but describe how they differ from how they usually are using estar)

14 Find a new partner! Turn to page 58 in your books Do activity 2-8 with your partner

15 Para miércoles Don’t forget to bring your books, or your notes/Ch. 2 notes sheet (the one with the boxes) Tomorrow will be mostly a review day about adjectives, so be prepared to move around, talk to people, and be full of energy!

16 La tarea miércoles (2/18) – 15 items due. About adjectives, and the verb “ser”. viernes (2/20) – 14 items due. About Ser & estar with adjectives and possessive adjectives sábado (2/21) – 1 item due. A voice recording about ser & estar with adjectives.

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