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Possessive Adjectives!

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Presentation on theme: "Possessive Adjectives!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Possessive Adjectives!

2 Possessive Adjectives!
You have already learned one way to say that something belongs to someone. What is the little word we use?

3 DE! The DE in Spanish takes the place of the ( ‘S ) in English. Anita’s house = La casa DE Anita. But sometimes in English we don’t have an ( ‘S) with possession. Can you think of a time that we don’t use an ( ‘S) but we are still talking about something belonging to someone?

4 His book? Her pen? Their dog? These words are called possessive adjectives.They are adjectives because they DESCRIBE the item that comes after it, but in a possessive way.

5 My (singular) MI My (plural) MIS (no change with gender) Our (singular) NUESTRO (NUESTRAS) Our (plural) NUESTROS (NUESTRAS) THE ONLY ONE WHERE THE GENDER MUST MATCH THE ITEM!! Your (singular) TU Your (plural) TUS x His (singular) SU His (plural) SUS Her (singular) SU Her (plural) SUS Your formal (singular) SU Your formal (plural) SUS Their (singular) SU Their (plural) SUS All of your (singular) SU All of your (plural) SUS

6 MY My (singular) MI My cat = Mi gato My (plural) MIS My cats Mis gatos

7 YOUR (familiar) Your (singular) TU Your dog tu perro Your (plural) TUS Your dogs tus perros

8 HIS/ HER/ YOUR( formal) His (singular) SU His book su libro His (plural) SUS His books sus libros Her (singular) SU Her book su libro Her (plural) SUS Her books sus libros Your formal (singular) SU Your book, (sir) su libro Your formal (plural) SUS Your books, (sir) sus libros

9 OUR Our (singular) NUESTRO (NUESTRA) Our house nuestra casa
Our (plural) NUESTROS (NUESTRAS) Our houses nuestras casas GENDER MUST MATCH ITEM

10 THEIR / ALL OF YOUR Their (singular) SU Their class su clase
Their (plural) SUS Their classes sus clases All of your (singular) SU Your class su clase All of your (plural) SUS Your classes sus clases

11 My (singular) MI My cat = Mi gato My (plural) MIS My cats Mis gatos Our (singular) NUESTRO (NUESTRA) Our house nuestra casa Our (plural) NUESTROS (NUESTRAS) Our houses nuestras casas GENDER MUST MATCH ITEM Your (singular) TU Your dog tu perro Your (plural) TUS Your dogs tus perros x His (singular) SU His book su libro His (plural) SUS His books sus libros Her (singular) SU Her book su libro Her (plural) SUS Her books sus libros Your formal (singular) SU Your book, (sir) su libro Your formal (plural) SUS Your books, (sir) sus libros Their (singular) SU Their class su clase Their (plural) SUS Their classes sus clases All of your (singular) SU Your class su clase All of your (plural) SUS Your classes sus clases

12 Possessive Adjectives!
The possessive matches the ITEM you are talking about in GENDER AND NUMBER. However, “OUR” (Nuestro/nuestra) is the only one that really changes for feminine or masculine because it’s the only one that ends with an ‘O.’

13 Possessive Adjectives!
Possessive adjectives do not AGREE with the person owning the item. They agree with the possession (item or person being owned). Nuestra casa = Our house. LA CASA is feminine, which is why NUESTRA is feminine. This is true even if the owners are all men!

14 Possessive Adjectives!
They tell who owns something They describe a relationship between people or things. They agree in number with the nouns they describe. Mi = my (item is a single thing) Mis = my (more than 1 thing)

15 Possessive Adjectives!
Tu: your (one thing) Tus: your (more than 1 thing) What about these… Su sombrero = his hat. ________ sombreros = their hats. Su falda = her skirt. ________ faldas = their skirts.

16 Possessive Adjectives!
Nuestro vestido = Our dress. ________ vestidos = Our dresses. Nuestra camisa = our shirt. ____________ camisas = our shirts. Again,for OUR NUESTRO= The gender (m/f) and number (singular/plural) all depend on the item(s) being described.

17 Try these! El es _____ (my) amigo. Son ______(my) vestidos.
Es ______ (your) sombrero. Son ______(your) calcetines. Es ________(his) perro. Es ________ (her) gato. Son _______(their) zapatos.

18 And these! Es _______(our) perro. Es _______(his) camisa.
Son _______(their) vestidos. Es _________(our) falda. Son _______(our) pantalones. Es ________(my) calcetín. Son _______(your) blusas.

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