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PUMP PROJECT Germania Unit Rate Forecasting Based on Other Waterflood Pilots in the Spraberry Area.

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1 PUMP PROJECT Germania Unit Rate Forecasting Based on Other Waterflood Pilots in the Spraberry Area

2 PUMP PROJECT Objectives To propose the location of new injection wells in the Germania Unit. To forecast the incremental oil recovery due to waterflooding in other waterflood Pilot area. The rate forecast is applied to Germania Unit for economic purpose.

3 PUMP PROJECT FUTURE WORK (Last Meeting) Improve OFM model to get external data from other Database systems, such as ODBC (Microsoft Access, Dwights and PI). Perform similar tasks for ET O’Daniel Pilot Area Perform reservoir simulation

4 PUMP PROJECT Coupling between Injector and Producers 1.The coupling is taken based on the production response in the on trend and off trend wells during the waterflood period. 2.This coupling could be used to determine the new location of injection wells.

5 PUMP PROJECT Germania (Spraberry) Unit Layout 1.The red line indicates a coupling between an injector and producers and rectangular box indicates the well has available production history. 2.WIWs #8, 11, and 15 did not have significant effect on surrounding oil production wells. 3.The production responses obtained from coupling between an injector and producers are parallel to the fracture orientation in NE-SW direction.







12 Germania (Spraberry) Unit Layout The green ring fence is taken from the O’Daniel Pilot assuming this unit would behaves similar response. The circle mark indicates the proposed injection wells. From the coupling between injection and production shows that the location of proposed injection wells #408A and 10 should be relocated because they are along old injector path. The wells that have shown good waterflood response in the other Pilots are analyzed to determine the incremental oil recovery during waterflooding. The results are applied to Germania Unit for economic purpose.

13 PUMP PROJECT Water Injection in The Germania Unit

14 PUMP PROJECT TOW Production Summary of GSU - 21

15 PUMP PROJECT Decline Curve Analysis of GSU – 21 (GSU – 27 as an Injector)

16 PUMP PROJECT Production Summary of The Germania Unit

17 PUMP PROJECT Decline Curve Analysis in The Germania Unit Based on Current ET O’Daniel Waterflood Pilot

18 PUMP PROJECT Rate Forecasting based on Incremental Oil from Current ET O’Daniel Waterflood Pilot

19 PUMP PROJECT Decline Curve Analysis in The Germania Unit Based on Old ET O’Daniel Waterflood

20 PUMP PROJECT Rate Forecasting based on Incremental Oil from Old ET O’Daniel Waterflood

21 PUMP PROJECT Infill Well vs. Waterflooding

22 PUMP PROJECT Cumulative Oil Comparison between Infill Well and Waterflooding Scenarios

23 PUMP PROJECT Decline Curve Analysis 28 Wells in The E.T O’Daniel Pilot Area

24 PUMP PROJECT Decline Curve Analysis 28 Wells in The E.T O’Daniel Pilot Area

25 PUMP PROJECT Incremental Oil Rate 28 Wells in The E.T O’Daniel Pilot Area

26 PUMP PROJECT Production Summary of The Old ET O’Daniel Waterflood

27 PUMP PROJECT Decline Curve Analysis Old E.T O’Daniel Performance

28 PUMP PROJECT Incremental Oil Rate Old E.T O’Daniel

29 PUMP PROJECT Total Incremental Oil Production Old E.T O’Daniel

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