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Peer revision. Initial Reaction Read the entire essay. Do not mark anything on the paper. At the end of the paper, comment on your initial response to.

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Presentation on theme: "Peer revision. Initial Reaction Read the entire essay. Do not mark anything on the paper. At the end of the paper, comment on your initial response to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peer revision

2 Initial Reaction Read the entire essay. Do not mark anything on the paper. At the end of the paper, comment on your initial response to your partner’s essay.

3 Intro and Thesis Does the paper contain an effective introduction? Does it grab your attention? Give your peer two suggestions on how to improve introduction. Underline or highlight the thesis. Is the thesis the last sentence of the introduction? Does it respond to the prompt? Label the topic, opinion, and justification. If any one of these elements is missing, write a comment on the margin.

4 Body Paragraphs Does each body paragraph have a general topic sentence? If present, highlight that sentence. This sentence must tell you what the entire paragraph is about. If the body paragraph starts to go off topic. Make a comment in the margin. If there is not a topic sentence, comment that there is no topic sentence present.

5 Body Paragraphs Does each body paragraph contain enough specific/relevant detail to develop the main idea of the essay? If not, write, “needs more evidence” beside the paragraph. Give your peer two suggestions on how to improve EACH body paragraph. Does each body paragraph have a general concluding sentence that reinforces some aspect of the thesis statement?

6 Conclusion Is there a conclusion? Did your partner restate the thesis statement in a new and creative way in the conclusion? Highlight this portion. -Make sure your partner didn’t bring up any new information in the conclusion! Place [ ] around any new information that he/she introduced.

7 Does your peer use any vague terms? Highlight any instances where your peer uses terms such terms. – Ex. Stuff, things, you, etc.

8 MLA Format Does the paper follow MLA format? 12 pt. font, double spaced? Is there a header with their name, professor’s name, class name, and date? Does the paper contain the author’s last name and page number?

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