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Priscilla and the Wimps

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1 Priscilla and the Wimps
The short story “Priscilla and the Wimps” is filled with interesting characters: some good, some not so good!

2 Character Analysis For this assignment, you will write a three paragraph essay that includes an introduction and a conclusion. The body paragraph must have two “chunks”, meaning it must contain 2 concrete details and 4 commentary sentences, as well as a topic sentence and a concluding sentence. Your body paragraph must contain one direct quote and one paraphrase for the concrete details in proper MLA format.

3 Priscilla and the Wimps
Thesis statement: subject + opinion Ex: The character,_______ (subject), is a ________ person (opinion). (This is just a preliminary thesis--you can reword it when we begin writing the rough draft)

4 Introduction Hook (no questions!)
Connect to story: give title, author and brief summary (2-3 sentences) Thesis statement

5 Conclusion Reconnect to hook Restate thesis
Offer final thought: What can we learn? What does the author want us to take away from the story?

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