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Managing and Leading Sport Organizations. Today’s Topics Thinking Critically about Sport Management Sport Organization Managers and Organizations Behavior.

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Presentation on theme: "Managing and Leading Sport Organizations. Today’s Topics Thinking Critically about Sport Management Sport Organization Managers and Organizations Behavior."— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing and Leading Sport Organizations

2 Today’s Topics Thinking Critically about Sport Management Sport Organization Managers and Organizations Behavior Managing and Leading Sport Organizations

3 Thinking Critically About Sport Management “The clear implication of all these suggestions is that, as managers of the future, you will need exceptional thinking skills in order to make the decisions necessary to deal effectively and responsibly with the myriad of challenges you will encounter” (p. 79) “The clear implication of all these suggestions is that, as managers of the future, you will need exceptional thinking skills in order to make the decisions necessary to deal effectively and responsibly with the myriad of challenges you will encounter” (p. 79)

4 Good Decisions are not:  Based on Expediency  The easy way out  What will cause the least turmoil or make the most money

5 Decisions must be consistent with your values and based on good information.

6 Values Framework for understanding values

7 Rokeach Value Survey –Types of values –Importance of values

8 Critical thinking involves: 1.Systematic 2.Rational 3.Movement

9 Sport Organization Managers and Organizational Behaviour “A sport organization is a deliberately structured and coordinated system of individuals and groups with special skills and talents in the sport industry working together to achieve a common set of goals.” “A sport organization is a deliberately structured and coordinated system of individuals and groups with special skills and talents in the sport industry working together to achieve a common set of goals.” (p. 150)

10 “Organizational Behaviour is the field of study that systematically investigates the impact of individual behaviour, small group behaviour, inter-organizational structures, and inter organizational processes on an (sport) organization” (p. 152)

11 Why Study Organizational Behaviour? self and others part of an organization Teamwork Manager or entrepreneur

12 How Will Knowing Organizational Behaviour Make a Difference? For Managers –better corporations. –organizational commitment. –organizational citizenship.

13 ABC Organizational Iceberg Formal Aspects What you do Structure Policies Goals Financial Management Volunteers Specified roles and responsibilities of various groups within the organization Informal Aspects Interpersonal relationships Politics Values Norms Conflict Feelings of success, anger, affection, fear Communication among members

14 Managing and Leading Sport Organizations leadership leadership and management No institution needs leadership all of the time, unless it is in a state of continuous change. Instead, institutions need a blend of leadership and management in different proportions at different times.


16 LeaderManager

17 Planning Organizing DirectingStaffing Controlling Taking action and making decisions The Management Process


19 Theoretical Approaches to the Study of Leadership Trait Approach Behavioural Approach Situational Approach

20 Leadership Myths ( Warren Bennis)  Rare skill  Born  Charismatic  Top of an organization  Controls

21 EXEMPLARY LEADERSHIP In Service of followers needs for: Leaders provide:To Help create: Meaning and direction Trust Hope and optimism Results

22 Characteristics of Successful Leaders They:trustvisioncoolexperts invite dissent simplify encourage risk

23 Quadrant 3Quadrant 2 Quadrant 4Quadrant 1 High Relationship and Low Task High Task and Low Relationship High Task and High Relationship Low Relationship and Low Task BASIC STYLES

24 Situational Leadership: Description of Leadership Styles “Telling” “Selling” “Participating” “Delegating”

25 Providing Team Leadership Leading teams requires new skills. Leading teams requires new roles.

26 Team Leaders Team leaders need to focus on two priorities: Four specific roles:

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