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Chinese’s Life From The first Historical Events To a powerful Empire TUTAR TITLE.

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Presentation on theme: "Chinese’s Life From The first Historical Events To a powerful Empire TUTAR TITLE."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chinese’s Life From The first Historical Events To a powerful Empire TUTAR TITLE

2 Introduction AIM To learn the changes of Chinese’s life throughout the years, To see how they protected themselves

3 OUTLINE First years: Where they placed First emperors Administration Powerful Years: Struggles Victory Social Life Emperors and

4 Shensi, a province China, one centers of was of cultural political & east-central

5 founder China, personage inventor mode writing a symbolic a divine Fohi, of and of

6 Fohi institutions creditable his regular ruler Chinese. is the last the first among who is

7 Hwangti emperor, president administrative system. centralized semi-independent the first sovereign was a wise of &

8 Hwangti successors style Emperor. who was one of Fohi’s of the imperial employ

9 Although rulers title Wang prince, the earlier having been content with the inferior or of

10 Hwangti one Fohi’s successors style Emperor. who was of the imperial of employed

11 Yao, grandson a great Hwangti of emperor was A Chinese astronomy. who was reputed with

12 His grandson emperor the reputation being founder astronomy. true who was also earned of

13 Decimal division Hwangti administration coinage. is adopted by his in his as well as $

14 After Chinese tribe province Shensi, the first as a nomad in the of lived

15 Fohi name a ruler Chinese. whose at least has been preserved, appeared as among the first FOHİ

16 When it fate experience store the Kins the Kins, seemed impossible for to have any worse in fate

17 the Sungs war them army the field Mongkong. declared upon & placed a large in under

18 The relics the Kin armythe Kin army, NinkiassuNinkiassu, shelter Tsaichau of under their sovereign took in

19 Tsaichau the Mongols side the Sungs the other was besieged by one on &

20 Ninkiassu existence their triumph opponents their Mongol &Sung preferred to end rather than of

21 After Ninkiassu the struggle efforts enemies, their saw that against the combined of

22 Ninkiassu himself life career manner worthy the race. prepared to end his & in of

23 Only Kins Mongols a quarter a century. powerful of for more than could held out against

24 AFTER seeing foreignes gospel power the control Kings, that continued to propagate propagate their of a supreme beyond of

25 Yung Ching measures closing churches the province Fuhkier. such as precationary eighteen in of had to take 18

26 The Chinese minister a step the transaction business representatives the foreign had taken to facilitate of


28 they choice acquiescence they had save to signify no their could not prevent

29 ALTHOUGH the emperor’s brother, prince, the thirteenth Kanghi missionaries’ friend they support was considered & endeavored to enlist in their 13.

30 they a rebuff the mishaps proclivities mind. met with not reasonable about Christian were born in

31 BEFORE Sir Frederick Bruce Sir Frederick Bruce, Lord Elgin share the capital the capital, whose brother was knighted for his

32 AFTER Prince Kung Prince Tsai they the decree sovereign calling Soldiers, whether obeyed of their or asked ?

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