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Evacuation Routes Look for a map near the doorway of each room. Locate exits and evacuation routes.

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Presentation on theme: "Evacuation Routes Look for a map near the doorway of each room. Locate exits and evacuation routes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evacuation Routes Look for a map near the doorway of each room. Locate exits and evacuation routes.

2 Fire alarm and flashing lights = Evacuate  Take personal belongings to designated assembly area  Check in with Instructors, who must report any missing students  Westminster Chimes = All clear; return to normal

3 Assembly area for front of MC and MH buildings Sidewalk or grass by woods next to front parking lot

4 Keep the roadways and traffic circle clear for emergency personnel and vehicles

5 Assembly area for rear of MC and MH buildings Basketball hoop near amphitheater

6 Assembly area for MS, MT, MM, MB buildings Athletic field between MS and MT near the tree line (away from buildings)

7 Siren and voice message = Shelter in place  POLICE EMERGENCY = Stay in room or go to nearest room / Close door  WEATHER EMERGENCY = Go to designated weather shelter rooms / Close door  Westminster Chimes = All clear; return to normal

8 Police Emergency Shelter in place where you are (or in the nearest room)  Gather your belongings in case evacuation follows  Put keys/money/driver’s license or medications in your pockets in case police don’t allow taking purses, book bags, briefcases, etc.  Do not use cell phones until authorized  Wait for all clear signal from the police  You may be asked to show your NOVA ID card Announcements will be made when information is available

9 Classroom phones These phones may be used for emergency announcements. To make a call from a classroom phone:  44444 goes to Campus Police cell phone  Panic button calls and emails Campus Police

10 Outdoor emergency: Use call box to alert Campus Police

11 Indoor emergency: Dial 911 and then call Campus Police

12 Thank you for helping us keep you safe

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