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Barriers to motivating students…

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1 Barriers to motivating students…
• Lack of intrinsic motivation Source of motivation varies Activities not fun enough • Presence of extrinsic motivation Focuses on behavior, not on learning Students de-value activity in time • Teaching practices ART159/bzp012/ Poor time management Low enthusiasm …removing the barriers

2 Barriers to motivating students…
• Curriculum Boring due to lack of variety Little student input • Administration Limited knowledge about PE PE held in low regard • School setting ART159/bzp012/ Limited equipment and facilities Some equipment unused …removing the barriers

3 …without standing on your head
Motivating students… Teacher Behavior: Speak with enthusiasm Incorporate humor Participate periodically Reinforce student performance Encourage attributions to effort Emphasize instability of performance over time feboverb/febrollb.htm …without standing on your head

4 …without standing on your head
Motivating students… Curriculum: Relate activity to student’s lives, i.e. current events, rationale for activity Accommodate student goal orientations Attend to individual differences through intra-task variations Have students set process goals feboverb/febrollb.htm …without standing on your head

5 Student Goal Orientations
EGO TASK MEASURE OF ACHIEVEMENT High ability relative to others Perform task as well as possible MAIN CAUSE OF OUTCOMES Ability Effort CYCLE 1 High perceived ability Take many risks Frequent success Continue participating CYCLE 2 Low perceived ability Take few risks Infrequent success Avoid participating Take risks with more effort

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