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ER Verbs Verbs that end in -er. Just a quick review If you see a moi by itself it is replaced by Je If you see a toi by itself, it is replaced by Tu If.

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Presentation on theme: "ER Verbs Verbs that end in -er. Just a quick review If you see a moi by itself it is replaced by Je If you see a toi by itself, it is replaced by Tu If."— Presentation transcript:

1 ER Verbs Verbs that end in -er

2 Just a quick review If you see a moi by itself it is replaced by Je If you see a toi by itself, it is replaced by Tu If you see a le, it is replaced by il If you see a la, it is replaced by elle

3 Review Continued If you see an et moi, it is replaced by nous If you see an et toi, it is replaced by vous If you see a group of le words, or a mix of le and la words, it is replaced by ils If you see a group of la words, it is replaced by elles

4 We have learned one verb so far Etre Je suis nous sommes Tu es vous etes Il est ils sont Elle est elles sont On est

5 We have used adjectives Etre works with all of them.

6 Now, we are going to add on other verbs First of all, a verb is something you do. Lets brainstorm a few in english

7 When you have a verb, it changes depending on who is doing the action Example in english: to study I study You study --------------------------- He study? - doesnt work that way It becomes he studies ------------------------------ We study You study They study

8 To Be Another example in English: I am ---------------------- You am?--- Doesnt work like that You are ----------------------- He am? He are? --------Doesnt work like that He is ------------------ We are You are They are

9 We know our pronouns in French Instead of I its « Je » You its « tu » he/she/it its « il/elle » we its « on/nous » you (pl) its « vous » they its « ils/elles »

10 Lets place them like this on our paper Je nous Tu Vous Il Ils Elle Elles on

11 Lets place them like this on our paper Je nous Tu Vous Il Ils Elle Elles on

12 For the next few slides Dont write these down, well do that later. Right now, look at the verbs and tell me how they change

13 Chanter- to sing Je chante nous chantons Tu chantes Vous chantez Ilchante Ils chantent Ellechante Elles chantent On chante

14 Regarder – To look at Je regarde nous regardons Tu regardes Vous regardez Il regarde Ils regardent Elleregarde Elles regardent On regarde

15 Parler – to speak Je parle nous parlons Tu parles Vous parlez Il parle Ils parlent Elleparle Elles parlent On parle

16 Jouer- to play Je joue nous jouons Tujoues Vous jouez Iljoue Ils jouent Ellejoue Elles jouent On joue

17 Travailler- to work Je travaille nous travaillons Tutravailles Vous travaillez Iltravaille Ils travaillent Elletravaille Elles travaillent Ontravaille

18 How did these verbs change for: Je nous Tu vous Il ils Elle elles on

19 The Official rule Step one: choose your verb (what are you trying to have someone do). Step two: decide who you is doing the action (je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles, or an object or a name) Step three: look at your verb. If it ends in –er, you chop off ther –er. For example, lets use parler. Chop off the –er to make parl- Step four: Add the ending for the pronoun (je, tu, etc) doing the action.

20 The endings are Je ---- e Nous ---------ons Tu ----- es Vous --------- ez Il, elle, on ----- e ils -------- ent


22 Lets Try a few verbs together Habiter Arriver Quitter Passer rigoler

23 In your notes, lets try a few Je with chanter Tu with parler Nous with déjeuner Vous with travailler Ils with étudier Il with rentrer On with acheter

24 A few picky rules If you have a « je » with a verb beginning in an a, e, i, o, or u You make it J Jaime J étudie Jécoute Jarrive If you have a verb like acheter, where there will be an e followed by a consonant, than another e, you put an accent over the first e Jachète Tu achètes

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