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Virtual Reality in the sec. XVII Sérgio Leal Creating Dynamic Visualizations and Animations Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision TU-Graz 2002/2003.

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1 Virtual Reality in the sec. XVII Sérgio Leal Creating Dynamic Visualizations and Animations Institute of Computer Graphics and Vision TU-Graz 2002/2003

2 Absentation  The Turk and Ottomans tribes constantly invade Europe, capturing the population, making them slaves and pillaging everything.  Austria and Poland were always attacked.

3 Interdiction  A treaty of mutual help was signed between Austria and Poland.  The Turkish wanted to invade Vienna once again and after that conquer Poland.  Poland needed to help Austria but there was the eminent danger of invasion by Ottoman forces

4 Violation  Jan Sobieski, King of Poland, went to war against the Turkish  He warns the Ottoman that if they try to invade Poland he will hunt them down

5 Reconnaissance  Kara Mustapha (Turkish commander) got to know that Jan Sobieski was coming  But continued to attack Vienna

6 Delivery  Kara Mustafa, had at his command approximately 140,000 men.

7 Trickery  Mustafa sent some spies to trick Jan Sobieski.  The spies told Sobieski that the Turkish had many men and would kill them all if the Polish would come to battle  And the Ottoman would invade Poland when the Polish army would be dead

8 Complicity  Jan Sobieski hear this and thought it would be true.  His troops lost all the moral.  They just thought of their loved ones

9 Damage  There was nothing else to do  They had to go back to Poland  The Polish had lost without fighting

10 Mediation  On that night Jan Sobieski had a dream.

11 Trial  He could win this war.  He had came so far.  If he would not fight, he would surely lose.  He had at least to try.

12 Attainment of magical object  Then we was blessed with an idea.  He had a vision on his dream  He got to know how to trick the Turkish army

13 Struggle  His idea was:  He made a small part of his army walk all day long around a small hill.  While the other, bigger part, of his army rested.  The Turkish spies where counting the Polish troops  They saw hundreds of troops because they where always going around the hill.

14 Struggle  OBS: this was the first Virtual Reality experience fully reported,   Perfect immersion   Low interactivity   Good display devices, scaling factor...  When the Turkish commander got to know the number of Polish troops he ordered his army to retreat because they had too few soldiers.  Jan made his troops attack Mustafa when they where retreating.

15 Liquidation  14.000 Turkish men where killed  Jan had won the war

16 Return  Vienna was free  King Jan Sobieski was a hero  He saved Vienna and Europe

17 Wedding  The Emperor of Austria gave him some land and his daughter to marry  And lived happy ever after

18 Virtual Reality in the sec. XVII THE END By Sérgio Leal

19 References  Propp Functions   Creating Dynamic Visualizations and Animations, ICM, TU-GRAZ, Prof. Andrej Ferko.  Historical background  The beauty of Computer Graphics, ICM, TU-GRAZ, Prof. Andrej Ferko.  Free online Encyclopaedia -  The Battle of Vienna: September 12, 1683, by Richard Lysiak -

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