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by Nathaniel Hawthorne

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1 by Nathaniel Hawthorne
“Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

2 1. Explain the significance of the names of the title character and his wife.
last name “Brown” generic, could be anyone No first name for main character – generic Faith represents Goodman Brown’s faith, lost through his experience in the forest.

3 2. Explain who the figure that Goodman Brown meets in the forest is, and characterize him
The Devil Laughs at GB’s piety (p. 113) About 50 y.o., same rank as GB, looks like he could be GB’s father (p. 112) Knows world and townspeople (p. 112)

4 3. What does the forest symbolize?
Puritans believed the forest represented: chaos, darkness, secrets and evil

5 4. At what precise moment does GB lose his faith?
P. 116 when the pink ribbon falls through the air (whose is it??)

6 5. How does BG react to his wife and others upon returning to Salem
5. How does BG react to his wife and others upon returning to Salem? Why? Is he justified? Doesn’t greet people (p. 120) Turns pale during sermons in fear of punishment (p. 120) Shrinks from Faith (p. 121) Scowls, mutters to self (p. 121)

7 6. What are two of the story’s main themes?
People are both good and evil. People may not be what they seem. All have sinned, despite appearances. People can’t live in perpetual innocence.

8 Foreshadowing P. 111 – Faith’s fear & ribbons
P. 111 “must needs be done twixt now and sunrise” “present evil purpose” P. 112 “he may yet be passing through an unseen multitude” “What if the Devil himself should be at my very elbow?” P. 113 “I have been as well acquainted with your family as ever a one among the Puritans

9 Foreshadowing (cont.) P. 114 “there is a young man to be taken into communion tonight” P. 115 “is that any reason I should quit my dear Faith?” P. 116 “there is a goodly young woman to be taken into communion”

10 Dream or reality?

11 Romantic Story Analysis Chart

12 Fantasy and Imagination
Devil Witches Flying staff Possibly a dream Boston to Salem in 15 min. (about 20 mi.)

13 Love of Nature Forest setting

14 Intense Emotion Loss of faith Disillusionment

15 Sympathetic interest in the past, medieval
Puritan time period of setting (story written in 1846; Puritans were prominent in 1600s)

16 Exotic Places Forest Possible dream

17 Legends and Myths Witchcraft Devil

18 Death Brown dies at end Brown’s faith dies

19 Morbid melancholy; insanity
Loss of faith Reaction of despair after forest scene

20 The Supernatural Devil

21 Failed Love Faith

22 Mysticism (spiritual intuition beyond ordinary understanding)
Brown knows everyone is a sinner; they seem oblivious

23 Rural Life and the Common Man
Salem village Common people

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