Geographic Landforms by: Ms. Hilgen. Geographic Landforms by: Ms. Hilgen.

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2 Geographic Landforms by: Ms. Hilgen

3 Landforms are natural features of the landscape, natural physical features of the earth's surface, for example, valleys, plateaus, mountains, plains, hills, loess, or glaciers.

4 archipelago An archipelago is a group or chain of islands
clustered together in a sea or ocean.

5 Atoll: a ring (or partial ring) of coral that forms an island in an ocean or sea.

6 Badlands: rocky wasteland carved by erosion into intricate.
Badlands National Park

7 Basin: an area of land drained by a river and its tributaries.

8 Bay: a small area of sea or lake partly enclosed by dry land.

9 Beach: the sandy or rocky land at the edge of an ocean, sea, or lake.

10 The Grand Canal, Venice Italy
Canal: a man-made channel of water joining lakes or rivers, or connecting them with the sea. The Grand Canal, Venice Italy

11 Canyon: a deep, steep-sided narrow valley.
The Grand Canyon

12 Cape - a pointed piece of land that sticks out into a sea, ocean, lake, or river.
Cape of Good Hope

13 Cave: a large hole in the ground or in the side of a hill or mountain.

14 Cliff: A high, steep, or overhanging face of rock.

15 Coast: land next to the sea.

16 Coral Reef: an ocean reef made up of coral and other organisms.

17 Cove: a small, horseshoe-shaped body of water along the coast; the water is surrounded by land formed of soft rock.

18 Crater: a circular-shaped hollow at the top of a volcano or on the surface of the land.

19 Delta: a low, watery land formed at the mouth of a river from the silt, sand and small rocks that flow downstream in the river. A delta is often shaped like a triangle.

20 Desert: a barren land area containing little or no vegetation.

21 Dune - a hill or a ridge made of sand
Dune - a hill or a ridge made of sand. Dunes are shaped by the wind, and change all the time. Great Sand Dunes

22 Escarpment: a steep cliff.

23 Fjord - a long, narrow sea inlet that is bordered by steep cliffs.

24 Geyser - a natural hot spring that occasionally sprays water and steam above the ground.

25 Glacier: a slowly moving mass of ice.

26 Gulf : a part of the ocean or sea that is partly surrounded by land (it is usually larger than a bay).

27 Harbor: an area of water where ships, boats and other watercraft can anchor or dock.

28 Hill - a raised area or mound of land.

29 Island: a piece of land completely surrounded by water.

30 Isthmus: a narrow strip of land that connects two large bodies of water.

31 Lagoon: a shallow body of water separated from the ocean by reefs or low strips of land.

32 Lake: a large inland body of water which is larger than a pond.

33 Marsh: a low, spongy wetland covered with thick, healthy growths of tall grasses and reeds.

34 Mountain: a very high, natural place on Earth – higher than a hill
Mountain: a very high, natural place on Earth – higher than a hill. The tallest mountain on Earth is Mt. Everest.

35 Ocean - a large body of salt water that surrounds a continent
Ocean - a large body of salt water that surrounds a continent. Oceans cover more the two-thirds of the Earth's surface.

36 Pampas: an extensive generally grass covered plain.

37 Peninsula: a piece of land almost completely surrounded by water.

38 Plain: a large, flat or level area of land.

39 Plateau: an elevated, mostly level area of land.

40 Prairie: a temperate grassland with few trees.

41 River – a large, flowing body of water that usually empties into a sea or ocean.

42 Sea: a large body of salt water wholly or partly enclosed by land.

43 Strait: a narrow body of water connecting two larger bodies of water.

44 Swamp: a marsh with trees…contains more water and deeper water than a marsh.

45 Tundra: a flat or rolling plain located in the artic regions.

46 Valley: a long, narrow hollow in the Earth’s surface lying between two higher areas.

47 Volcano: an opening in the Earth from which hot gases, smoke and molten lava are emitted.

48 Waterfall: a steep descent of water from a height.

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