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Supervisors Can Designate An Alternate to “Act In Lieu Of” them in EmpowHR for A specified period of time NOTE: Delegations should be to employees with.

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Presentation on theme: "Supervisors Can Designate An Alternate to “Act In Lieu Of” them in EmpowHR for A specified period of time NOTE: Delegations should be to employees with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supervisors Can Designate An Alternate to “Act In Lieu Of” them in EmpowHR for A specified period of time NOTE: Delegations should be to employees with access to Manager Self Service which is the supervisor’s menu.

2 “Acting In Lieu Of” is the EmpowHR Version 9.0 Option that supervisors Should use when they will not be able To take their own EmpowHR actions For specified periods of time. Examples of situations for using “Acting In Lieu Of” include but are not limited to times when: - On leave to have a baby - In the hospital for an operation - Out of the country on a vacation - In any type of temporary leave situation - In travel status away from the office when access to a government computer is limited. “Acting In Lieu Of” should be used for these Type situations rather than changing “reports to”.

3 Select “Manager Self Service

4 Select “Acting in Lieu of” located Under “Tasks”

5 Enter the EmpowHR “user ID” of the applicable supervisor you are designating as your alternate to act on your behalf In EmpowHR. Enter the beginning date and ending date of the Period of time you are authorizing the alternate To act in lieu of you.

6 If you desire your alternate to also handle all the actions that Are already currently on your work list, click in the box next to Reassign work to: The number of work list actions Reassigned to you for action will Show here. In this example, there Was only 1 work list action that was Reassigned. NOTE: If you click this box, it totally clears your worklist and sends everything to your alternate. If you don’t click this box, your alternate will only receive the future work items on his/her worklist for action while acting as your alternate.

7 Click the “SAVE” button.

8 You will receive a message that restates the Delegation being given. Verify it is accurate and Click “OK”.

9 You should receive a message that Confirms the change has been Successfully saved. Click “OK”.

10 Click the “sign out” button when you Are ready to exit EmpowHR.

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