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Starter for 10 Unit 11: Facebook Transform IT SFT11_Facebook.

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1 Starter for 10 Unit 11: Facebook Transform IT SFT11_Facebook

2 What’s it about It seems that almost anyone who is anyone has a Facebook or MySpace entry, but what are they? A social networking site is a combination of many web facilities brought together in one place. It will normally give members the facilities to blog, send messages and use online chat, form groups and share files, photos and videos. The idea is to get together online communities of people to communicate with one another. Some sites started off as groups of people with a similar interest or background, and developed into larger groups with many different interests.

3 Transform IT SFT11_Facebook Try it The top social networking sites are Facebook (, MySpace ( and Bebo ( All social networking sites require you to register. They are normally free, but you do need to give them personal information.

4 Transform IT SFT11_Facebook Try it – Facebook These are the steps you need to take if you want to use Facebook: Sign up Create your profile Update your status Add friends Join Groups (create a Group or Page) Start using it!

5 Transform IT SFT11_Facebook Sign up 1. The first step is to sign up and create your basic profile. 2. Begin by going to 3. You will see a form in which to type your name, e- mail address and the password of your choice. 4. Select your gender and birth date. 5. Next you will be asked to type in a code, and then you will be sent a confirmation e-mail that you must respond to in order to activate your account.

6 Transform IT SFT11_Facebook Create your profile 1. Click through the link in your confirmation e-mail. 2. You will be offered the chance to check your e-mail address book for friends, and then you can begin creating your profile. 3. Click on the tab Profile. 4. Then it’s as simple as filling in the blanks, providing as much or as little information as you would like. 5. Most people choose to upload a photo to their profile, as well. 6. Facebook allows you to add your photo either from your computer, your digital camera or your webcam.

7 Transform IT SFT11_Facebook Note: Privacy settings When you enter certain information into your Facebook profile, you will be given the chance to choose who can see that information.  To Remove Yourself From Facebook Search Results  Visit your search privacy settings page  Under “Search Visibility” select “Only Friends” (Remember, doing so will remove you from Facebook search results, so make sure you want to be removed totally. Otherwise, you can select another group, such as “My Networks and Friends”.

8 Transform IT SFT11_Facebook Update your status 1. On your Home page, you'll see a little text box next to the words, "What's on your mind?“ 2. This is your Status, and you can update it as often as you like. 3. You only get a few words to express yourself, but you can add links and photos to your updates. 4. Each time you update your Status, it can be read by all of your friends.

9 Transform IT SFT11_Facebook Add friends 1. After you’ve got your basic profile set up, it’s time to add more friends. 2. After you’ve completed the profile steps, you’ll be given the chance to join Networks based on your location or your place of employment. 3. Joining a network helps you connect with others who are part of the same network. 4. Other ways to find friends on Facebook are by sending e-mail invitations, by doing a search, through friend recommendations from other friends or through possible friends suggested by Facebook.

10 Transform IT SFT11_Facebook Join groups 1. There are groups on Facebook for every imaginable interest, hobby, cause or activity. You’ll find groups of sports fans, music fans, advocates for various causes and groups just for fun. 2. By joining a group, you can interact with people who share your interests. 3. You can also start one of your own. Note: What is a Group?  A Facebook group is kind of like a club; people who share your interest in a specific topic can join your group and share information, plan events or just show their support for said topic.

11 Transform IT SFT11_Facebook Start using it! You’re now ready to post updates, upload photos, upload video, message friends, …

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