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Zoology Aktuální info - webová stránka ústavu, ne STAG

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Presentation on theme: "Zoology Aktuální info - webová stránka ústavu, ne STAG"— Presentation transcript:

1 Zoology Aktuální info - webová stránka ústavu, ne STAG
Příprava dle sylabu (nástěnka, web) Testy (2, v ½ a na konci semestru – viz sylabus) Možnost samostudia preparátů ve cvičebně! Cvičení - pracovní listy (web) Nezapomínat uvádět zvětšení „Poznávačka“ - u zápočtu Přednášky – studovat průběžně, nenechávat na později Hickman, Miller and Harley, Campbell biology, multimediální pomůcka ( web ústavu), SŠ učebnice, knihovna, TV dokumenty, internet (obrázky/images), studovna Animal Planet, časopisy Internetové odkazy, doporučená literatura – viz anotace (web, nástěnka) Doporučujeme navštívit zoo, muzejní zoologické sbírky

2 Presence at practical lessons (no pets, no food)
1 Introduction. Protozoa, Porifera, Cnidaria, Platyhelminthes, Acanthocephala, Annelida, Mollusca, Nematoda. 2 Arthropoda. 3 „Recognition of invertebrates“. Fish, amphibians, reptiles 4 Anatomic and parasitologic autopsy of wild bird. 5 Birds. 6 Mammals. 7 Credits, Vertebrate recognition and credit test. To get the credit: Presence at practical lessons (no pets, no food) Protocols – filled in study materials download from web and get printed Passing credit test in the 7th week of semestre – questions based on the study sheets 2 animal recognitions (3rd and 7th week) Recommended lectures every week in the lecture room starting Monday :45-10:15 chemistry lecture room Tato prezentace je spolufinancována Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.

3 Write the taxonomical categories.
How would you categorise wild cat using taxonomy? Who and when laid the basics of bionominal nomenclature? Try to identify the following animals:

4 Taxonomy Binomial nomenclature
principles of classification, systematic ordering and naming Binomial nomenclature „latinized“ name (from Latin or Greek) composed of 2 words 1.Genus 2. species epithet Homo sapiens Canis lupus Taxonomy is study of principles of scientific classification, systematic ordering and naming the organisms. Like all organisms, animals are named and classified into a hierarchy of relatedness. Each kind of organism is recognized throughout the world by its two part name. This system, called binomial nomenclature, was created by Carl Linne and published in his book Systema Naturae. Each species has a latinized name. The first part indicates the genus, and the second part indicates the species to which the organism belongs. We can compare it to a surname and first name. Carl Linné ( ) *Systema Naturae (1735)*

5 Systematic zoology kingdom … phylum class species order family genus
(regnum) (Animalia) kingdom species phylum (Chordata) (subphylum) (Vertebrata) class (classis) (Mammalia) order (ordo) (Carnivora) family (familia) (Felidae) genus (Felis sp.) Wild cat (Felis silvestris)

6 Scientific nomenclature
Wild cat - Felis silvestris Schreber , 1777 Saharian - Felis silvestris lybica domestic - Felis silvestris f. catus Felis catus

7 Species concept – how we can recognize species
morphologic (typological) group of organisms with certain fixed properties. used as a "classical" method of determining species. morphospecies. Importance of typical specimen. biologic organisms able to reproduce naturally to produce fertile offspring. reproductive barrier phylogenetic group that shares an ancestor; a lineage that maintains its integrity with respect to other lineages through both time and space. But beware, the biggest rule when dealing with life: EVERY RULE HAS ITS EXCEPTIONS! (except this one of course)

8 morfospecies vs. biospecies
morphologic divergence is often not correlated with distance of relatedness  Willow Warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus) Canis familiaris Chiff Chaff (Phylloscopus collybita)

9 Scientific x vernacular names
Salmo gairdneri X Oncorhynchus mykiss trout < salmon trout < salmon Atlantic x Pacific !! British vs. American English: Elk vs. Moose (Cervus vs. Alces) Carnivore (taxonomy vs. ecology)

10 Passer domesticus česky: vrabec domácí United States: English sparrow
England: House sparrow France: Moineau domestique Spain: Gorrion Portugal: Pardal Italy: Passera oltramontana Germany: Haussperling Holland: Musch Denmark, Norway: Graaspurv Sweden: Hussparf Russian: Домовый воробей Greek: Σπουργίτης Hungarian: Házi veréb דרור הבית घरेलू गौरैया العصفور الدوري The importance of this system is shown on this slide. Each country has its own names for well-known animals. குருவி चिमणी

11 Ecdysozoa Lophotrochozoa protostomia deuterostomia Diblastica
Echinodermata Chordata Ecdysozoa Lophotrochozoa protostomia (aprox. 30 phyla) deuterostomia (3 phyla) Diblastica Triblastica

12 Apicomplexa life cycle – monoxenous coccidia
Merogony (=schizogony) – gamogony - sporogony In host In enviroment

13 Life cycle of flukes adult fluke in bile ducts
Dicrocoelium lanceolatum definitive host - sheep - goat - cattle - game animals egg metacercariae cercariae miracidium rediae & cercariae sporocyst I with rediae

14 Cestoda - tapeworms Hermafordites No digestive system Life cycle:
Intermediate host cyst Definitive host - adult tapeworm

15 Nematoda - Pork worm (Trichinella spiralis)
direct life cycle – one host, but biohelmint – infection by eating infected animal encysted larva in muscle tissue Intracellular (!) parasite in muscles Adult parasite in intestines, sexual reproduction and production of larvae – they migrate to muscles.


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